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What your Caffeinated Drink Choice says about your Stress Level

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.


A regular iced coffee

Finals are here but you probably either have everything due clearly laid out in your planner with checklists and are on top of your work, or you have no idea what’s due and don’t really care. Either way, good for you!

Stress level: 5


A cold brew or dark roast

You have a pretty big paper looming over your head and some exams you should definitely be studying for. You’re really hoping the extra boost is going to give you that nudge of motivation you need to tackle the work you have, but it’s nothing too overwhelming.

Stress level: 6


A holiday-flavored latte

Your life is low-key falling apart and your significant other is probably MIA but this peppermint mocha is making you feel like you have your shit together and everything is okay. Also you haven’t started your 15 page term paper due in two days but you look good and have Starbucks so it’s fine.

Stress level: 6.5


A rush

Life is NOT good. You have four finals and a paper and you’re going to have a mental breakdown very soon. You’re headed to the library and are prepared to live there until the semester is over. You’re probably contemplating jumping in front of a slow moving car so you don’t die, but at least will be in the hospital and can get an extension on your work.

Stress level: 7.5


Anything with a shot of espresso

Shit is going down, but you know what you need to get done and you have a plan. The shot of espresso is going to keep you going long enough to bust out a paper and study for a few exams. You feel overwhelmed and kind of like you want to die, but it’s fine.

Stress level: 8


Anything with TWO shots of espresso

You have four finals, three papers, one quiz, one project, you haven’t started anything, but you have a plan and are going to get all of it done before you come off your caffeine high. You’re probably holding your coffee with tears streaming down your face, haven’t eaten in 48 hours, and might just drop out.

Stress level: 10


A Red Bull

You have a LOT of shit. Things aren’t good, you’re mid mental break down, you might fail every single one of your classes, and you literally just need a rush of caffeine and sugar to get you to a semi-okay state of mind.

Stress level: 12


A vodka Red Bull

You have five finals, five essays, five projects, but you’re at the bars and aren’t doing any of it.

Stress level: 20 or 2; there’s no in between.


Photos: 1

Mary is a fourth year Ecology and Environmental Science major at the University of Maine, with a concentration in sustainability. Mary loves to read, spend time with her Alpha Phi sisters, cuddle with her cat, and drink coffee. She hopes to save the environment and adopt alllll the kitties.