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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

As the semester winds down and finals approach, it is important for students to pay attention to self-care. When we are well rested and feeling mentally healthy, we are far more capable of achieving desired high grades and meeting deadlines. Unfortunately, the life of a student leaves little space for self-care most of the time. College students have a lot on their plates at the end of a semester. Whether you are a science student cramming for five exams, or an English major writing multiple papers at the same time, the chaos of it all can be overwhelming. That is why it is important to pause and give yourself a break now and then, and to practice healthier study habits.

Unplug: One thing that really helps me when I am procrastinating on assignments is to unplug. I set aside a day or two when I will not look at screens unless it is for schoolwork. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you cannot take breaks, but avoiding social media and too much screen time can really improve productivity and academic performance during finals.

Get Some Sleep: It can seem impossible to get enough sleep during finals week, and in some ways it is. It is a tumultuous time when even if you do sleep, you are still not well rested due to the mental strain of your workload. It is okay to accept this. You most likely will not be sleeping well all the time during finals. A good goal is to get a decent amount of sleep at least every other night during finals. It is of course advisable to get good sleep every night during most times in life, but it is okay to accept that it may not be possible while you are finishing up a semester of school. Try not to beat yourself up over it. This is why I am advising that you get some sleep, and not that you get good sleep.

Be Creative: While you are working on class work and studying for your finals,
it can be really peaceful to do something creative with the free time that will allow you
to unwind a little bit. Whether this is drawing or painting, cooking or coloring, doing
something that sparks your mind in a different way is often the key to finding a
successful and balanced study routine. There is such a thing as too much studying, and
these kinds of activities allow one to be actively doing something, but not constantly
working and burning out.

Set Aside Breaks: As you are studying and writing and working away,
remember to set aside breaks. Go for a walk outside, take a power nap, or call a loved
one. Unwinding in these ways leads to a far easier time focusing once you get back to

Watch the Caffeine: Be careful that you are not drinking far too much caffeine during finals week. Don’t get me wrong, I am extremely dependent on coffee to get through school. Caffeine is sometimes the way a student will feel they are ready to sit down and work, and that will keep them energized enough to complete their assignments and study. That is definitely what it does for me anyway. This is not always a bad thing, but you should try not to rely too heavily on it since it can worsen issues like insomnia and anxiety, which are already common during finals week. My advice is to utilize it when necessary, but be careful with it.

Utilize these tips where they make sense for you. To UMaine students, and all college students with finals coming up good luck!

Brianna Lemarier is a writer for the University of Maine chapter. She writes on topics that apply to students in different ways, including some specific to the University of Maine. Brianna is a Peer Advisor at UMaine's Career Center where she conducts resume and cover letter review appointments and workshops with students. She is a senior in the English major with a concentration in professional writing and a minor in creative writing. Brianna is passionate about stories and many forms of writing. She is content when she can read and drink coffee every single day. She believes in the power of communication to connect people and help them to understand each other and create a better world together. Instagram: @briannalemarier