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Simple Side-Dish Swaps to Keep Your Thanksgiving Healthy!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.


As much as everyone loves Thanksgiving, you don’t always love the way you feel afterward. From yummy appetizers before the meal even starts, to homemade buttery-mashed potatoes, creamy green bean casserole, or the irresistible table of desserts displaying a variety of goodies from pies to cookies and more, there’s plenty of opportunity to overeat on Thanksgiving dinner. Needless to say, you may need to un-do a belt notch or two after you’re finished. To keep you and your family from feeling stuffed to the brim try suggesting these easy side dish swaps this Thanksgiving and you’ll truly have something to be thankful for!  


Classic Thanksgiving Dish: Homemade mashed potatoes

Side Dish Swap: The preparation is just as easy for sweet potatoes as regular white potatoes but you will get the added benefit of vitamin A, C, and B6, plus potassium and dietary fiber! Try this recipe for Roasted Sweet Potatoes courtesy of foodnetwork.com


Classic Thanksgiving Side-Dish: Green Bean Casserole

Side-Dish Swap: This recipe for Green Beans topped with Feta Cheese will give you the fresh, crisp taste of green beans you crave on Thanksgiving but you save on all the added calories! 


Classic Thanksgiving Side-Dish: Your Grandma’s a-mazing but, not-so healthy stuffing

Side-Dish Swap: Cran-tastic Apple Cornbread Stuffing; this delicious recipe from Hungry Girl puts a new twist on the classic stuffing you find on the Thanksgiving table. One serving is only a mere 160 calories and a good source of fiber and protein! 


Classic Thanksgiving Side-Dish: canned cranberry sauce 

Side-Dish Swap: Although the canned cranberry sauce is a staple of everyone’s childhood there are wayy to many superb recipes for fresh, homemade cranberry sauce out there to settle for cranberry in a can anymore! Bring this dish of homemade cranberry sauce  and you won’t be disappointed! A simple recipe of fresh cranberries, honey, water, and nutmeg provides you with natural sugars and antioxidants as an added bonus to the taste!

Classic Thanksgiving Side-Dish: Turkey gravy 

Side-Dish Swap: “Syn Free gravy“, low fat and easy to make you won’t have to worry about a thing when it comes to making this recipe! You can even make it a day in advance that way it is all ready to go! 

Classic Thanksgiving Side Dish: Pumpkin Pie

Side-Dish Swap: Pumpkin coconut tart, compliments of www.eatingwell.com this recipe puts a spin on the traditional pumpkin pie at every Thanksgiving. Providing you with a source of whole grains, low fat ingredients, as well as vitamin A, potassium, monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats! Whip up this recipe to end a perfect meal with a perfect dessert! 



Recipes and Photos Courtesty of: 






