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Profile: Delta Phi Epsilon’s ANAD Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

Eating disorders, body positivity, and mental health are sensitive subjects that many people disregard; however, Delta Phi Epsilon here at UMaine is trying to change that. This group of women is working closely with Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD) this week to try and overcome the stereotypes regarding mental health and body positivity, and to spread some love on campus while encouraging everyone to love themselves wholeheartedly. We talked with sisters Estella Perrone, Rebecca Bell and Julia Schneider about what this week is all about and what it means to their sorority.

How long has Delta Phi Epsilon been at UMaine?

Four yearsl We’ve been here since the fall semester of 2012.

What is your chapter?

Gamma Rho

What is ANAD?

ANAD stands for Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders. They are a non-profit organization that raises awareness for eating disorders and body positivity, and who specializes in support, awareness, advocacy, referral, education, and prevention. They help and encourage anyone struggling with eating disorders.

Why is this week important to your sorority?

ANAD is one of our philanthropies. These days, there are a lot of stereotypes regarding people in general and they apply to everyone. ANAD isn’t something that only benefits our sorority,chapter, or women in general. It’s here to help and benefit everyone, because everyone is subjected to self esteem issues and insecurities. It’s all about body positivity for everyone.

What do you hope your sisters and UMaine students get out of this?

We want this week to inspire body positivity in everyone, and we hope to inspire people to be confident in themselves. To us, it means being confident and learning to love yourself enough to go out in public in your natural self. Body positivity is how you present yourself, and not needing to live up to standards to impress anyone but yourself.

What events do you have to raise awareness?

This week is our ANAD week. We challenge our sisters to participate in: Makeup-less Monday, Take Your Hair Down Tuesday, What Others See Wednesday, Dare to be Brave Thursdayand Feel Good Friday.  We also have yoga in the New Balance Recreation Center on Wednesday night from 8-9. 


To learn more about ANAD, check out their website: http://www.anad.org/ 

For more information about Delta Phi Epsilon and their ANAD week, check out their social media pages!

Instagram: dphieumaine

Twitter: DPhiE_UMaine


Photos: taken by author 

Mary is a fourth year Ecology and Environmental Science major at the University of Maine, with a concentration in sustainability. Mary loves to read, spend time with her Alpha Phi sisters, cuddle with her cat, and drink coffee. She hopes to save the environment and adopt alllll the kitties.
Chloe is a fourth-year Mass Communication major at the University of Maine. She is the Editor-in-Chief/Campus Correspondent of Her Campus UMaine. She is also contributing editor for Odyssey UMaine. Check out her blog at https://cdyer.bangordailynews.com/. She is passionate about writing, and in her free time enjoys reading, traveling and blogging.