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Marisa’s Top 10: Cliché Fall Things

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

Fall is the perfect time to be as basic as possible and have no regrets about it, whatsoever. 


1.    Go apple picking.

For starters, apples are delicious, especially when they’re actually in season. They are sweet and juicy and not like the sub-par ones you get at the grocery store in the middle of winter. Also, why wouldn’t you want to take cute pics of you sitting in a tree? Exactly.

2.    Carve a pumpkin.

Even though the inside smells slightly nauseating and it’s frustrating when it doesn’t come out like the picture you found in the pumpkin carving book, it brings you back to your childhood and it’s super fun. Plus, pumpkin seeds taste really good.

3.    Go get yourself a Pumpkin Spice Latte.

As basic as it may seem, don’t deprive yourself from the pumpkiny goodness. First, it’s seasonal, so by the end of November you’ll be on to your Peppermint Mocha drinks. You need to enjoy it while you can! Second of all, you know you love it. If you didn’t love it, I’d question if you have a soul or not.


4.    Go on a haunted hay ride. 


Or if you’re feeling real brave go to Fright at the Fort in Bucksport, ME.

But don’t invite me cause you’ll regret it and I’ll get night mares. Really though, I heard its fun.

You can visit the Fright at the Fort website here for more information: http://fortknox.maineguide.com/fright/


5.    Wear dark jeans tucked into your riding boots with a cute shirt and field coat/quilted vest.

Do I really need an explanation for this one? It’s just a really cute outfit. That’s all.


6.    Watch Hocus Pocus.

 Its on abc family like every other day.

“What do you call them again, Max? Yabbos? Max likes your Yabbos. In fact, he loves them.”



7.    Instagram a pic of the colorful tree you saw walking to class

Maine’s pretty. It’s okay. We all do it.

8.    Stock up on things that smell like fall.

Candles, car fresheners, etc. Honestly, it’s super annoying when I want my room to smell like Apple Spice in the summer and all they sell is Paradise Breeze or something like that.

9.    Eat candy corn.

Because you’ll feel guilty if you don’t.


10. Go to a football game.

This Saturday, October 18, UMaine Football takes on Albany State at noon during Homecoming Weekend. Go Black Bears!


























Kate Berry is a fourth-year journalism major at the University of Maine in Orono. She loves reading about the latest trends and events.