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The Best and Worst Parts About Coming Back After Spring Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

Whether you were on a sandy beach and a part of the bikini crowd on Instagram, home in your bed with your dog and home-cooked meals or stuck in Orono, spring break has come to an end. This means it is time to mix in a bit of good old H20 and get ready for the end of the semester. And while we are sad about some parts, there is still plenty to look forward to. So here are a few highs and lows about ending break for you to both mourn and get pumped for. 


The Worst 

1. It’s still cold

We are still in Maine after all, and the wind has not seemed to have magically disappeared in the last two weeks. 

2. Back to reality

Unfortunately most of us aren’t able to lounge on a beach or hide in our beds forever so let me be the first to welcome you back to the real world and all of the responsibilities that come along with it (i.e. homework, job/internship applications, jobs). 

3. Finals are that much sooner

Half way through the semester means half way to finals so all of the exams, homework, and review sessions are about to be piled on right when we want to escape to the outdoors. 

4. Unpacking 

Although it may not feel like it, two weeks is a long time that you probably overpacked for. So all of that stuff can either sit in suitcases and bags on the floor for weeks on end or you have to take on the dreaded task of putting it all away. 

5. Feeding yourself 

There is no longer a magically stocked pantry of delicious snacks or anyone around to make you dinner anymore which means you are once again on your own for sustenance. 


The Best 

1. Warmer weather is in sight 

Even though its still cold here we are two weeks closer to shedding those winter coats.

 2. Darty season 

All the dartys you can handle are coming your way in just a few short weeks. Prepare yourself now and hydrate while you still can. 

3. All your pals are two seconds away again 

Two weeks without all of your friends is a little much so it’s good to have everyone back in the same place again so you can all storm the OHOP bar and dollar wells together again. 

4.  Feeling refreshed 

Biggest pro to having some time to lay low is TFW you come back feeing refreshed and ready to go. You feel like you give new meaning to “bright eyed and bushy tailed”. 


The best day of the year for Black Bears! We can’t wait to see what UMaine student entertainment is planning for us this year. 

So with that good luck with the rest of this semester! Stay tuned to our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest for all of our content to come! HCXO


Photos: 1, 2

Calen is a fourth year Mass Communications major with a Marketing minor and a Psychology minor at the University of Maine. She is a sister of Alpha Phi and enjoys hiking at home in the Rocky Mountains, traveling, reading, and spending time with family and friends.