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National Volunteer Month: 5 Volunteer Opportunities In Iowa City

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

It’s National Volunteering Month, and if you’ve ever needed an excuse to do some community service, this is it. Iowa City has plenty of volunteer opportunities, and they fit a wide range of interests. Here are some great places to volunteer in Iowa City this month.

1. The Ronald McDonald House

The Ronald McDonald House is located by Carver-Hawkeye Arena on the west side of campus. Families of children battling cancer and other diseases stay here, so they can be comfortable while receiving treatment and spending time in the hospital. You can volunteer to prepare meals for the families, as well as clean during the holidays.

2. Dance Marathon

April 1 was the first day you could register to raise money for Dance Marathon 24. It’s a great opportunity to dedicate your time to. If you don’t know if you’ll be able to raise the minimum amount of money ($500), you could always volunteer at the Big Event in February. 

3. Table to Table 

Table to Table picks up food and delivers it to people who need it. This organization is stationed in the basement of Old Brick Church on Clinton Street, and you can volunteer by picking up or delivering food to different places in the Iowa City area. 

4. The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics/The University of Iowa Children’s Hospital

The University of Iowa campus is lucky to have a fantastic hospital and children’s hospital within walking distances of a lot of living spaces. Volunteering at the hospital allows volunteers to get involved with different wings and units and learn about all the people that come through the hospitals. 

5. Chatham Oaks

Chatham Oaks is a contiuum for people recovering from mental illnesses or disabilities that offers treatment solutions for its residents. Volunteers assist with the residential activities, as well as one-on-one interactions. 

Volunteering is such an easy activity to get into—there are countless opportunities all around the world, and everyone can find their niche somewhere. You can find volunteering opportunities like the ones in this article by visiting www.volunteermatch.org

Rachel Green is a senior Journalism and Mass Communication Major at the University of Iowa. She is also earning two minors in Sport and Recreation Management and Spanish and a certificate in Creative Writing. She serves at Her Campus Iowa's Senior Editor, and is a member of Iowa's editorial team. When she's not working on something for Her Campus, she can be found studying in the library, doodling in her sketchbooks or curling up with a cup of tea and a book.  
U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.