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Meet Tippie Celebrity Sydney Kroska

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

With a huge heart, a drive like no other, and the most beautiful smile, Sydney Kroska is definitely someone worth getting to know! Check out some of her involvement at the University of Iowa and other fun facts that make her the wonderful human she is (hint: fun facts may involve sprinkles)!

Name: Sydney Kroska

Age: 20

Major: Business Management and Psychology

Involvement on Campus: Tippie Senate (President), Computer Comfort (President), AKPsi (Alpha Kappa Psi; a business fraternity), SALT, Peer Mentor for Tippie Direct Admits, University Housing & Dining Student Marketing Assistant

What is your favorite thing to be a part of on campus? My favorite thing is definitely Tippie Senate. I am so grateful that I was selected freshman year to be a part of this student leadership group! Through this student org, I have been able to host events to help the Iowa City community and to benefit the Tippie College of Business.

What is your favorite part about Iowa City? My favorite part about Iowa City is actually not Iowa City. I absolutely love leaving the college town and going to Lake MacBride up in Solon! Kayaking and spending the day in the sun is my absolute favorite!

Can you explain what you do for your job with University Housing & Dining? I work with the marketing team to help run social media, blogs, the website, and run events and promotions for both housing and dining! I work with the nutritionist and work on sustainability projects as well. 

What is your go-to coffee order? Java Cooler or Sugar Cookie Latte if I am feeling especially good about myself (for the sprinkles, of course).

What fictional character do you identify with most? Hermione Granger. She is smart, loyal, kind and confident in her abilities. Not that I am any of that, but I like to think that I aspire to be the kind of person she chooses to be!

What are you most passionate about? I am passionate about helping people help others. My favorite thing to do as a manager is to organize volunteers in an efficient way and make a difference in two people’s lives. Through Computer Comfort I have learned that if I spend all day helping seniors, I wouldn’t be able to get to them all! Instead, I choose to organize students to help as many as we can.  

How would your friends describe you? I am a fiercely loyal friend. I would drop everything and anything to be there for a friend. Efficiency is my life so I would also say efficient.

Paige Netzel is a senior at the University of Iowa, studying English and Creative Writing with a Cinema minor. Coffee, creating playlists, and gratitude are essential to keeping her going. Check her out on Twitter for some hecka funny tweets or on Spotify for those dope playlists.
U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.