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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

We are all afraid of something. Spiders, snakes, heights; we’ve all been there. But what happens if you are afraid of something bigger than yourself, like the unknown? Growing up is full of unknowns, and sometimes it’s in these moments we are awakened to who we are meant to be when facing them.

When I first prepared myself for college, I will be honest that I was less than thrilled. I was moving away not only from all I had known and going to a different university than my twin sister, but I was scared. Up until that point in my life, I had not really thought past college when I was growing up and setting life goals about what I wanted to do or who I wanted to become. I was afraid I wasn’t ready to live on my own, and I didn’t trust my own decisions. However, now that I am almost done with my undergraduate experience, over half way through now, I can say I am not the same girl I was heading off to school, and I am proud of who she is and who I continue to become because of the unknowns that college and young adult life have brought to me.

There are ways to embrace these unknowns when you cannot predict what is coming and there are ways to put faith in a future you cannot possibly truly prepare for. It will not only help you cope with the stress of life better but will also help you to embrace the change of life and not be held back by fear.

1. If you have faith, embrace it. Face your fears. 

I am not saying you must go out there and be super religious and preach to the world your faith to a certain god or practice. However if you identify with a particular faith and practice it, this is a great way to cope with the future. You can pray, ask questions and use your religious community to help guide your decisions and calm your stress when the going gets tough, and the unknown starts to creep up and stress you out.

If you are not spiritual that is okay too, but reach out to your community in whatever belief system you practice, and this will bring a sense of comfort that cannot be found often on your own. And don’t forget to embrace the fears you are feeling along the way no matter what. Being able to overcome your fears doesn’t mean you can’t be afraid of the future, it means you are afraid, but you move forward anyway, you learn to embrace the fear as a part of the process. That’s what makes you a stronger person.

2. Set goals

We all know that life is a mess that just isn’t something that can be predicted more often than not, yet we try to do it anyway.  If you want a good laugh imagine all the things you hoped or expected to happen at the age you are now and look back at the events that actually occurred. What a difference, right? However, sometimes it is nice to feel a sense of control in your life even if deep down you know the plans will change. So set realistic small and attainable goals for yourself to cope for whatever is to come. Maybe it’s to workout more each week, or maybe it’s to apply for that job you are not confident enough you could get, just to see if you can snag an interview anyway. Whatever it may be, set your sights high and don’t be afraid to achieve them just because the future is so vast and unknown at times and it’s scary.

3. Find support

The best and most important way to embrace change at any stage in your life, especially college is to reach out to others to deal with the stress of the future. You don’t have to have it all figured out; heck, the older you get the more realize no one knows what they are doing. So learn to embrace this and reach out to fellow friends and colleagues who get what your going through. Nothing eases stress like feeling understood and not feeling alone. School and jobs and relationships can be overwhelming, but with a friend to talk to or a coworker to laugh at inside jokes with, you will find a way to get by.

So, if you are afraid of the unknown as you grow up remember to reach out, set goals and have a little faith, and life will continue to surprise you! The unknowns of life in college are overwhelming, you are shaping the kind of person you will be for the future of your life, but remind yourself not to take life too seriously either, or you’ll forget to enjoy it too.


Writing is my passion, hopefully reading is yours!
U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.