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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

In today’s society, self-care feels like the next big thing in mental health discussions. However, it’s not just some cultural trend that should be quickly ignored or forgotten. Taking care of one’s own well-being will lead to benefiting not only your own needs, but will benefit the needs of how you function every day and can seep into all aspects of your life for the better. Mental health is finally getting the visibility and respect it deserves today, and taking care of yourself is no exception. There are many great ways to take time for yourself, without feeling neglectful of your other obligations and responsibilities or feeling selfish. Here are just a few ideas to get you started. 

1. Surround yourself with positivity

Whether or not you are struggling with finding a positive perspective, or your mental health simply won’t let you, being around positive grateful people is sure to do wonders on your health. Whether it is kind friends that you appreciate, or just a mentor that can keep your head above water, being around good non-toxic people is the cleanse you need to also see life in a different more positive light and provides you with the support you need when things get tough.

2. Pick a hobby and stick with it

Even if you can’t afford a spa day or a trip away for the weekend, it is very important we do something for ourselves everyday to take the stresses edge off. Maybe you use a face mask every day, or take an extra daily shower for relaxation, or maybe you work out or write in a journal. Whatever it is, every day it is vital you take a little time for yourself. This may sound impossible when you don’t have the time and constantly have things going on but find the time. Make you a priority. It could be thirty minutes even, and that is a thirty minutes worth spending away from everything else just for you. So, find a hobby and stick into your daily routine.

3. Take care of the physical to benefit the mental

Believe it or not, our bodies really do work together to keep up going, more than we are even aware. The best way to help your mental health and get some self-care actually should start with your physical and work inwards. Are you always stressed, lack enough sleep or do you struggle with anxiety? Then using tools to relax could be a great resource for you. Make sure you eat healthy balanced meals, get enough sleep, take naps and workout a healthy amount to keep your body moving. This might seem hard if your mental health is keeping you sluggish, but by working on both inside and outside they can work together to help you feel better so work on both.

4. Reach out for help

This may sound obvious, but with self-care there comes a point when reaching out is not only necessary, but critical in getting the proper help you need. Seeking out a counselor is a great outlet to confide and work through issues, provide tools to get through your mental struggles and just have a place to go when you don’t want to go anywhere else. If counselors are out of your price ability or you aren’t comfortable with them, find friends willing to talk it out, and keep seeking out hobbies and activities that can help get you through. However, remember the worst thing you could do is stay quiet and try to work it out alone because often that only fuels the suffering you’re facing. So, have a little bravery and get help as necessary.

Getting help, finding positivity, creating hobbies to stick to, and taking care of both the inner and outer you, are all wonderful ways to give yourself some proper self-care you deserve. 


Photos: Cover, 1, 2, 3

Writing is my passion, hopefully reading is yours!
U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.