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Megan Charles / Her Campus Media

Your October Horoscopes are Here, and Trust Me, You’ll Want to Read Them

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

This October is going to be different, to say the least. Brace yourselves, because with two full moons this month, you are sure to ride a wave of emotions and experience many energy shifts. The Harvest moon in Aries on October 1st made us all think deeply and realize what is worth our time and energy, and what we need to rid ourselves of. With Pluto stationing in Capricorn towards the middle of the month, this is a great time to make desired changes and analyze your inner self, becoming one with your thoughts and feelings. However, you should be prepared for some major surprises when Mercury goes into retrograde on October 13th. When the sun arrives in Scorpio on October 22nd, you’ll start to crave genuine relationships, while also wanting to invest in yourself and your interests. Finally, a full blue moon in Taurus will close out the month on Halloween. It will guide us to think more about creating a good balance in many aspects of our lives. Keep reading to learn more about your sign this month!



September 23 – October 22

With the full moon on October 1st in Aries, your opposing sign, you now feel internal conflict regarding relationships. You may be afraid of a relationship, or start to have doubts about the one you’re in. If so, now is the time to mold a healthy relationship structure in your mind and strive for it. This month is also a great time for you to think about your future, Libra. Consider investing more in your inner self and stay devoted to finding your calm. Lastly, your career has much potential during this time. Be ready to start something new and exciting!



October 23 – November 21

This month will be busy for you, Scorpio. The full moon on October 1st encouraged you to take a breath and prepare for the craziness. Remember to take time for yourself this month, and don’t be afraid to jump off the grid to do so. Also, learn patience. With Mercury going into retrograde in your sign on October 13, you will be happy you did so while you still could. Although you may be faced with some obstacles during the second half of the month, consider them with a positive perspective.



November 22 – December 21

Put yourself first this month, Sagittarius. You have spent a lot of time focusing on improving yourself and October is the perfect time to recognize that. You should feel extra appreciative of who you have become, and have no problem getting your life together this month. Also, Mercury moving into retrograde will help you be more aware of your feelings and those of others. This could help you to be more vulnerable. You’ve spent too much time hiding your feelings, so don’t be afraid to share them as you begin to understand them more. However, be aware of what could go wrong during this retrograde. 



December 22 – January 19

You are particularly organized this month and very career-oriented. You will have no problem making decisions about what is worth your time and should welcome opportunity with open arms. You should feel powerful this month, Capricorn, but be aware of your actions once Mercury goes into retrograde. You wouldn’t want your ambition to get the best of you. Finally, make sure your life isn’t all work and no play, and invest in your friendships towards the end of the month. You never know when you’ll need some extra support.



January 20 – February 18

October makes you detail-oriented, Aquarius. You have a knack for problem-solving this month and will feel the need to find answers for things that perplex you. Channel this drive into being a good leader. With this newly found passion, be sure to reflect on lessons you have learned in the past and don’t forget them. You are in the process of reinventing your image and that will help you to do so. Finally, don’t focus so much on your career that you overlook your life purpose, but plan on making changes. Change is good for you this October, so make your moves powerful. You have the potential to be an influential leader.



February 29 – March 20

Pisces, this month is all about you. It’s time for some introspection. When Mercury moves into retrograde, you may struggle with processing your thoughts and being too analytical. Don’t be afraid to feel this out on your own. You need to let yourself think instead of avoiding it. Despite this, October will bring you a sense of calm. Pursue that brilliant idea you’ve been thinking about! You will feel like you have time to explore your creativity more, so let yourself take on more projects. It will be good for you to push yourself outside of your comfort zone in this way, and maybe even make some money while doing it.



March 21 – April 19

Mercury retrograde may have you feeling a bit overwhelmed this month, but don’t let that alarm you. Remember that it is okay to take some time off and focus on yourself. Have you been feeling like you need a break lately? Spending time by yourself is extremely beneficial for you this month, Aries. Take some time off, and let yourself do nothing. You shouldn’t be ashamed to turn down plans and have a date with yourself. This will help you to become one with your inner thoughts and desires. Explore them deeply, and you will leave this month feeling much more enlightened.  



April 20 – May 20

Be open to new opportunities this month, Taurus. Not just any opportunity, though. Be open to exploring new romantic relationships! The past few months have helped you focus on understanding what you want, so now you should go get it… and don’t settle! October will have you wanting romance as well as platonic relationships. It’s a good time to reconnect with old friends and network to meet new people. You are relationship-driven this month, which is rare for you, so take advantage of it and create positive experiences for yourself. Push yourself outside of your comfort zone and don’t be scared to reach out to people!



May 21 – June 20

You will have more focus this month, Gemini. You may have been feeling distracted and overwhelmed lately, but clarity is coming your way. You’ve recently gained an understanding of what is most valuable to you and can change your lifestyle to fit that. Now, you can focus on what’s best for you and create more meaningful relationships because of that. Don’t forget to be grateful and acknowledge how you got to this point, but be persistent in your wants and desires. This October is the time for you to get in the driver’s seat and hit the gas because you know what you want and are ready for your future.



June 21 – July 22

Your curiosity rules you this month, Cancer. Have you been thinking about trying a new hobby? Go for it! Take on new experiences and learn about yourself in the process because now is a great time. This month brings about the idea of fresh starts for you. Imagine what that could look like in the near future. With this picture in your brain, you can work on enhancing your relationships to get more out of them. Your creativity and romantic side are stimulated by these ideas, so let’s just say this month definitely won’t be boring for you.



July 23 – August 22

October has given you a desire to be practical. With Mercury in retrograde, you’ll become a little scared to push yourself outside of your comfort zone, despite your current powerful career presence. You are thriving at work and accomplishing tasks with the help of your positive relationships, but you have a fear of losing money. Rely on your relationships during this time. They will fulfill you more than your career will. Lastly, take it slow this month. This could reduce your stress and give you more time to commit your family and friends if you need it.



August 23 – September 22

This month, focus on yourself with the long-term goal of contributing to the greater good. Your self-discovery could guide you to find a purpose in terms of your role in society. As much as this requires being logical, try to understand your emotions as well. This will help you decide what you really care about and eliminate things from your schedule that don’t require your attention or don’t contribute to your needs. Be open-minded this month, Virgo. It will definitely help you when Mercury goes into retrograde.

Cassidy is a Junior at the University of Connecticut studying Marketing and Communication. In her free time, you can find her drinking coffee, blogging, making a new playlist on Spotify, or talking about how much she loves her little home state of RI. She is also very passionate about social media marketing and is always trying to spread happiness.