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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Unfortunately when it comes to anything sexual, there is still a gender bias. Men are more likely to be commended for having multiple sexual partners, being sexually active at a young age, etc., and this gender bias is also very common when it comes to the topic of masturbation.

There was a health and behavior survey done by Indiana University that stated that 7.9 percent of women between the ages of 25 and 29 masturbate two to three times a week, whereas 23.4 percent of men those same ages masturbate. Not only are there mental benefits towards masturbation, but there are physical ones as well. Here are some reasons as to why women should masturbate.

1. It makes you happier

After having an orgasm your body releases the endorphins dopamine and oxytocin. Having those endorphins release gives you this natural high that makes you stress-free. So if you have an exam that you’ve been studying hardcore for, why not take a quick break to have some “me time” and release some endorphins.

2. Knocks you out

Not only are there hormones released that give you this natural high, but there are also hormones released that can easily make you fall asleep. Want to take a nap? Masturbate. Want to get to bed early? Masturbate.

3. You become more comfortable with your body

Women should not be afraid to touch themselves, and we all should understand that masturbation is extremely natural. Your body should be your best friend, and you don’t need a significant other to make yourself feel good.



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