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Which Classic Halloween Movie Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Everyone loves a good Halloween movie, but which character are you really?  


Aries: Marnie from Halloweentown

You are headstrong, enthusiastic, and optimistic, always passionately working towards your goals (like saving all of Halloweentown, despite how the odds are against you). But, this can often be seen as you being “too aggressive” and a little impulsive, but when you’re saving the day that doesn’t really matter, right? You ordered the Über, packed in the crew, and are making sure you and your girls get to that costume party right at the stroke of midnight.


Taurus: Ichabod Crane from Sleepy Hollow

People look to you because you are responsible and reliable, always devoted to whatever task is at hand. Last-minute Halloween costume? Done. Finding the cutie from the party on Facebook? Old news. You’re the go-to girl for, say, investigating some suspicious ghostlike activity, but sometimes people interpret your dedication as stubbornness. You don’t really “do” compromise, so its your way or nothing. *shrugs*


Gemini: Sarah from Hocus Pocus

The most affectionate sign, you love letting those around you know you care…sort of. You can be quite expressive and social and you’re always ready for a good time (cauldron keg stands, anyone?) But with your social side also comes your serious side, and with your sense of adventure also comes a restlessness and nervousness. It’s all about balance.


Cancer: Lydia from Beetlejuice

The sensitive, imaginative sign. Like Lydia, you are sympathetic to those around you (new ghost friends!) but also loyal to the ones you love. Not to be mistaken, you certainly have your moody, pessimistic moments and are the most suspicious of the signs—“Maybe teen ghost marriage isn’t really what I want?”—but that’s what makes you a good friend to have around: Let your BFF know that the guy still wearing salmon shorts on Halloween is a super-no.


Leo: Winifred from Hocus Pocus

Every witch coven needs a natural-born leader, no? Redhead or not, you’re the man with the plan, the woman in charge…and perhaps a *little* dramatic at times, but it’s only because you are so wonderfully self-confident. Plus, it’s hard to be the funny one in the group—it’s all broomstick and no cushion with people these days. When you’re standing outside of TKE in -30° weather wearing some fishnets and a garbage bag, you’ll at least be cracking jokes until your sober ride arrives.


Virgo: Charlie Brown from The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown

Good grief! No wonder all the Peanuts flock to you: you’re the most loyal friend of them all. Your kindness can be your downfall, though, when you become too shy or critical of yourself and others. Just take a breath, remember your exceptional practicality, and know you are the logic and reason behind saving your friends from blacking out on Halloweekend.


Libra: Casey from Scream

Oh Casey, poor fair-minded, gracious Casey. You had no idea it would turn out so bad. You’re extremely cooperative, but hate being alone, so of course you talk to the creepy guy on the other end of the phone like it’s no big deal. But, avoiding confrontation (though you prefer it) is not the way to survive Halloween at UConn. You’re going to have to throw some elbows to get to the jungle juice before it’s gone—we won’t judge because we understand.


Scorpio: Rudolph from The Little Vampire

So I heard being a vampire kind of…sucks, eh? Not for you, brave Scorpio. You are what they call a “true friend;” a hold-your-friend’s-hair-in-the-bathroom (while wishing you were in bed eating candy corn) friend. You’re super resourceful, hence the winning costume at the ABC party tonight, but also secretive. Perfect fit for the night-crawling, blood-sucking, half-bat kid!


Sagittarius: Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas

Adventure! Excitement! Christmas! Wait. Too soon. Jack is the generous, idealistic Halloween movie character – as a Sagittarius, you love travel and constant change (which is why you have four costumes for each day of Halloweekend), but often promise more than you can deliver. And we know patience isn’t your strong suit, so when your roommates are taking an extra hour to finish their Harley Quinn makeup, just take a deep breath and get an early start on the Halloween candy.


Capricorn:  Dr. Peter Venkman from Ghostbusters

Who ya gonna call?? Capricorn, that’s who. It’s no biggie but Caps are kind of the best managers of the zodiac and are probably your best bet at solving whatever spooky, ghoulish, witchy problem you’re having. You’re good with money, which explains how you went to Huskies for four hours and could still afford a medium pizza from Sgt. Peps after, but you might come across as a bit of a know-it-all, so remember to keep yourself in check. Also, working with people is a hard no from you, so group costumes are out this year…make sure you apologize to the four Spice Girls waiting for you to join in the karaoke version of “Wannabe.”


Aquarius:  Wednesday Addams from The Addams Family

We’re not really surprised, are we? Quiet, original, and deceptively strong, Wednesday Addams is the most Aquarian Aquarius (try saying that three times fast, phew) Halloween character that has ever been born. The Wednesday Addams of your friend group is the one who tries to have the most original costume out of everyone at the party—and takes this task very seriously. Still, every sign has its drawbacks: you’re a bit temperamental and somewhat aloof, and it’s “my way or the highway” with you. Lost your horns from your Maleficent costume in the Celeron woods? Sorry guys, everyone’s gotta stop until this villain is all put back together.


Pisces: Casper the Friendly Ghost

Last, but certainly not least, is the friendly Pisces. You are gentle and generous, often a lover of nature, animals, and all that is good about the world. Have extra puds? Of course you share them with the group. Because no one is as giving as you, Pisces. The only danger is your overly-trusting nature, because people (like the Donald Trump costume standing in the corner) will try to take advantage of you, and you’ve always got to be alert. 



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