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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Ah living in North- either you lived there as a freshman/sophomore or you know a friend that lived there. Some say it was the best time of their lives, and some still have nightmares about living there. Either way, all of us Huskies that live in North experience the same struggles everyday. On the bright side, we’re all in this together. 


The weekly struggle of having to lug your heavy, loaded laundry bag up the hill. When you finally reach the laundry room, there’s never any washers open. As you sit in the line for a washer, you think to yourself, “there has to be a better way”. 

Also, there’s always piles of clothes on top of the washers, and even on the floor.


When you’re casually taking a shower and have to keep adjusting the curtain, so that the person next to you doesn’t see you naked. I mean, is it too much work to put in stalls? If you end up getting the shower with the drain in it, you end up getting the products from the other two showers in your space. That’s when shower shoes are key. 

North Dining Hall

Lately, North dining hall has become very famous. We made it into the Daily Campus, when a student was served raw chicken. Every dining hall has their flaws, but that’s one you never want to experience. Good thing Northwest is right next door.  However, sometimes it’s too much of a hassel to even walk that far, so we all just pray we never get that one piece of chicken. 

Occasionally, the Mac and Cheese Bar and Crepe Night makes up for it. 

The Stairs

North lacks elevators. As horrible as that is for those who live on the 4th floor, at least they’ll have strong leg muscles at the end of the year. If you dare to enter in the door on the quad side, you find yourself faced with never ending stairs. By the time you reach the 2nd foor, you know you’re halfway there but you don’t think you’ll make it. When you reach the 4th floor, you’re winded, out of breath and ready for a nap. Are we allowed to petiton for an escalator? 

The Rooms

On move in day, you step into that small room and realize that there’s no way there’s enough room for all your stuff.  To top it all off, the wardrobes are way too small to fit all your clothes in. The only way to make space is to either loft or bunk your beds. While you’re rearranging, you’re staring longingly at the people who got the big room on the floor. Sometimes the ceiling tiles fall and the wall starts to crack. If you get really lucky, you might even have a small hole in your wall from years of use. Despite all that, you still find a way to make it your home. 

You may complain about it, and you may even contemplate trying to switch into a different residence hall, but you’ll eventually find that North is where you want to be. It comes with its downsides, but that’s nothing compared to the priceless memories that you’ll make with your best friends living in North. Someday, you’ll look back on it with fondness and nostalgia…  Someday, very far into the future.


Sam is a sophomore at UConn, with an interest in business and finance. She loves working for UConn's Bodywise program, and teaches her own group fitness and pilates classes. Besides working out, she also loves running, writing, her bichon and her family.