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picture of UConn sign in the front of campus
picture of UConn sign in the front of campus
Original photo byBailey Brake

Learning To Stay “Whelmed” My Freshman Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.

Around this time last year, I had officially decided that I was going to be pursuing my degree at the University of Connecticut. While I was excited for this next chapter in my life, I was consumed by anxiety. The thought of having to learn my way around such a large campus, making new friends, and balancing the workload as a nursing student felt almost impossible. 

As part of the Honors program, on our first day on campus, they told us to make sure to stay “whelmed.” Don’t put too much pressure on yourself that you become overwhelmed, but don’t expect everything to be easy. At first, I was confused about how to accomplish this. Throughout the year, there were many different ways that I utilized this slogan to help make the shift to the college lifestyle.

Calling Home

Out of everything I learned for the semester, a call home is the most important thing to do. There were moments during the year when I felt far too overwhelmed and didn’t know who to reach out to here on campus. When it got to this point, making the call home was a necessity. Hearing a familiar voice giving words of encouragement was extremely beneficial. As someone who can be considered a homebody, hearing your parents’ voices is all you really need.

embracing the alone time

It is safe to say that I am an individual who typically does not like being alone. Prior to my arrival on campus, I was barely home throughout the day, whether it be due to work, volunteering, or spending time with friends. Coming to Storrs, my social life made a complete 180. From knowing everyone to barely knowing ten people threw me into a whirlwind of emotions. This left me spending most of my time on my lonesome, and I was less than thrilled. Yet, it was exactly what I needed. 

Allowing myself to just enjoy the space and time alone was so beneficial in my transition into college life. I realized that trying to force myself to go out and meet people was not the way to ease into my new environment. The idea of now being on my own away from home was overwhelming, and being alone allowed me to get myself accustomed to UConn, develop a routine, and make myself feel at home. 

Getting involved on campus

Coming into the second semester, I knew that I wanted to get myself more involved in campus activities. A close friend of mine had made me aware of Her Campus, and it immediately caught my attention. A group of young women from various backgrounds who all shared the same passion for writing was something I knew I wanted to be a part of. Joining this club made such a large campus feel smaller, as I was able to begin connecting with different people, and even people who I had previously attended high school with. 

Although I have yet to make any new friendships within the group, just knowing that there are people who not only have the same interests as me but also want to see me succeed is something that greatly impacted my time here at UConn. During my first few months here I believed that I was going to be friendless, as I have witnessed the people around me already developing their social circles, and I felt that it was too late for myself to become a part of anything. However, Her Campus allowed me to begin feeling comfortable on this campus and start to develop my sense of belonging.


These three methods, alongside many others, helped me make the transition into the college lifestyle go more smoothly. While the year may not have been what I was expecting, it still taught me valuable lessons in how to adjust to my new environment and those around me. For any incoming freshman, starting school can be stressful and overwhelming; but give yourself time and you will find what keeps you “whelmed.”

Michaela Elam is a sophomore nursing student at the University of Connecticut. She mainly writes articles based around entertainment industry, but is starting to branch out into more topics college centered. Since a young age, Michaela developed a passion for writing, and knew that she wanted to find an outlet to continue while in college. In the future, she hopes to work in the healthcare field as a Nurse Practitioner. In her free time, Michaela enjoys going to the gym, hanging with friends, and going for long drives. She is also an avid listener of R&B music, and is always down for a game of Uno.