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How to Unlock Your Creative Side

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Many people believe creating art is a talent reserved for only the elite of our society; you are either born with ~skills~ or you’re about as creative a thimble. But art is everywhere and in everything, and there is no reason that you can’t be “an art person.” So from a self-proclaimed, as well as deemed by my peers, “Artsy Chick” to a newbie, here’s how to unleash your inner artist.


1.     BE FEARLESS. Perhaps you can’t paint like Picasso, but who cares? Being artsy is all about doing what you like as a creative outlet. Art comes in all different varieties, so don’t believe you’re not artsy because you can’t draw a straight line. What about making a small canvas with your favorite flower on it that will make you smile when you see it above your desk in the morning? Or maybe you’re into decorating, but perhaps not with self-made pieces. Fine! Take a trip to TJ Maxx or to your computer and browse through Amazon. Find colors, prints, and textures- anything that just feels right when you look at it. The fact that you feel a reaction at all means that your inner artist is there, stabbing your brain to think and feel creatively. Also, don’t rule out photography as a valid art form. Most people just use the ‘Gram to post their going out selfie, and while that’s great for a self-esteem boost and letting everyone know you think you’re rad, don’t be afraid to maybe skip out on a few likes to post a picture that you think just looks dope for whatever reason! Challenge yourself to make something that you know you’ll like to have around.

2.     PATIENCE. So much about making art is patience. So what if you need to paint over something, erase half of your creation, or re-watch that Nifty video 17 times to make the perfect rope knot pillow? The point is to allow yourself to be creative, and once you are finally done, it is going to be so worth it because you will have done it yourself.

3.     FIND YOUR NICHE. It is important not to be afraid and give everything a try, but if you do find something that you enjoy making, keep at it. There’s no better feeling than seeing the little things you’ve created/designed scattered around you and just knowing that YOU made them. In the end, if you decide you don’t need 30 canvases with cute sayings on them, start gifting them to your friends and family. What better way to show off your newfound artsy side than in gift form?


Ultimately, being artsy is all about being comfortable expressing yourself creatively and taking risks. Maybe the dog you painted looks like a fish, but hey, that new outfit you put together to compliment your homemade earrings is slaying. Keep trying and keep looking for the beauty in the world, and soon you too can call yourself an “Artsy Chick.”


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