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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Make a schedule

Writing everything out can be really helpful during such a chaotic and stressful time; by writing out a schedule including when your finals are, when you plan to study (so you’re not left cramming last-minute), and days you know you’ll need off, you’ll get a grip on your time management and won’t crumble from study overload!

Add a To-Do List

Similar to making a schedule for yourself, writing out a To-Do list will keep you on track for all of your end-of-the-year-papers and exams. You can plan your schedule around assignments that will take longer, or a certain exam you know you’ll need plenty of time to study for.

Leave Room for “Me-Time”

Don’t forget that you’re still human and deserve days off! This includes naps, family time, and any other extra-curriculars that are important to you. Even if it’s just an hour Netflix break, remember to de-stress and take care of yourself!

Seize Any Remaining Extra Credit Opportunities

Though not all professors offer extra credit, there are a few who do! Those that do might only mention it briefly though and leave the rest up to you (no skin off their noses, right?) So do a little research, whether it’s checking your HuskyCT for the first time this semester for any links or sending a quick email to your professor, it can’t hurt to ask!

Don’t Forget a Good Night’s Sleep!

You might think the best way to manage your time studying for finals is to pull all-nighters, but getting at least 8 hours of sleep before an exam (and in general!) will really set you up for a refreshed, ready-to-take-on-the-day feeling. Science even shows that getting a good night’s sleep will actually help you remember what you studied before bed even better!

Breakfast is a must

You know what they say about the most important meal of the day… There must be some truth to it then, no? Having a hearty, well-balanced breakfast the day of an exam will give you the energy you need to conquer it. Don’t let finals week mean you give up on your clean eating and exercise routine, either! Breaking a good health habit can throw you off both physically and mentally.

Find your best method of studying and use It

Some people swear by flash cards, others like to copy and re-copy class notes. Whatever works for you, stick with it! Everyone’s different when it comes to learning, and that’s totally okay. Tip: Sometimes, the best way to learn something is to try and explain it to someone else. Try teaching your roommate a little about chemistry or the history of Germany and see how well you can do it!


A little extra help goes a long way

There are countless ways of getting extra help or tutoring here at UConn, so make good use of them! Places like the Writing Center or Q Center offer extra help with papers or quantitative courses, and the people working with you are super nice and helpful. All it takes is one appointment! Also, check with your Professors about office hours in case they can offer any last minute help, or any of your friends who can tutor you!