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How to Be Productive While Living at Home & Taking Online Classes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

This semester isn’t what any college student had in mind. Some students are living on campus, some are in off-campus apartments or houses, while others have decided to live at home and take their online classes. There are some important tips I have for those at-home college students on how to make this semester the best it can possibly be, given the circumstances of COVID-19.

1. Try to have a separate workspace

Try to do your schoolwork in a separate location from where you sleep/spend most of your leisure time; whether that be in your kitchen, TV room, basement, or wherever! I have found that the work seems to never end with online classes. Doing my Zoom classes and homework in a separate space allows me to feel relieved when I go into my bedroom. I know that not everyone at home has the ability to do their work in a separate space, and that’s okay! There are other helpful tips to help your online schoolwork seem less daunting.

2. Take 1-2 days a week to yourself

During these two days, you do not touch schoolwork. I have found, as I said before, that online school never seems to end! There is always an assignment you can do or get ahead on. Taking 1-2 days out of the week for yourself will help you mentally recover and rest. It will also make you more productive during the other 5 days of the week!

3. Pick up a new hobby

We are all busy with school, club meetings, working, and trying to find internships or jobs, so I am not telling you to make yourself busier or more stressed out. But, find something that gets you excited each day; living at home can get lonely and boring! I have recently started riding my bike again (I haven’t since like 5th grade haha), going for a 25-minute ride in my neighborhood between classes during the day. It allows me to take a break, get some fresh air, and focus on myself. Something small like this can definitely change your day.

4. Make your workspace similar to one at school

In my dorm freshman year, I loved turning on my Christmas lights because it made the room so much cozier. I put up those same Christmas lights in my workspace at home so I can feel like I’m in my college dorm room as much as possible. Decorate your desk with pictures of your friends & family and make it cute! If you make it somewhere you like to be, then the work won’t be half as bad ;)

5. Don’t put too much on your to-do list

Every night I make my to-do list for the next school day. I always put SO much on it and I never accomplish half of my list. This makes me feel guilty for not being as productive during the day. So, take my advice (since I can’t take my own) and only put MUST-DOs on your to-do list. If you accomplish all of that, then you can move onto the other assignments that aren’t due for a bit. This will make you feel productive, less overwhelmed, and help you stay organized with your assignments!

Olivia is a sophomore marketing major at UConn. In her free time she enjoys running, playing field hockey, reading and making delicious dinners & treats for @livsmunches on instagram.