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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Make profiles on online recruiting platforms

Start off by creating a few profiles on job networking and recruiting sites. Sites such as LinkedIn, Handshake, and RippleMatch are easy to operate and accessible on all mobile devices. Many companies may ask for links to profiles on these sites to see a virtual profile of you and get more background information. Handshake is also directly connected to most university student accounts, which makes it even easier for you to get started. These sites allow you to message recruiters, create posts, and apply for jobs. Additionally, these sites’ algorithms use your profile information to generate job listings that are a better fit for you. 


Networking is always the top piece of advice when applying for internships. Whether it is on social media platforms, by email, or even in person, try to network with as many people as possible. A simple conversation with a professor or person you may know that works in your desired industry will go a long way without you even realizing it. LinkedIn is also a phenomenal tool for networking, as it allows you to virtually build connections with working professionals and fellow students. 

Be confident with your resume

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Building a resume is unfortunately a stressful process for many. Utilizing resources that will guide you through the process and give you the best results is necessary for success. Reach out to a professor, an adult that you may know who works in the industry, or especially the UCONN Center for Career Development. These few sources can provide great feedback and opportunities for you to improve your resume. 

Fill out applications Carefully and stay on top of them

Fill out as many applications as possible! There are thousands of internship postings for companies ranging from small businesses to large corporations. Getting your name into their system with online applications will start your journey off smoothly. Also, it is highly recommended that you check back each week on the status of your applications. 

Research the company

For your application and interview, research the company. Taking a look at their website and the latest news involving the company will give you a better understanding of who you are applying to work for. You will also be able to identify what the company is looking for by becoming aware of its values and history.

Be calm and professional

It is important to remain professional yet true to yourself during interviews. Nerves are normal and may even help you focus more. However, many companies admire authenticity and honesty. Representing your most professional and true self will grab their attention and demonstrate your effort. 

Ask questions

Asking questions during interviews is extremely important. Before the interview starts, have around five questions prepared. As the interview progresses, treat it like a conversation so more questions will develop naturally. When you ask questions, you exhibit interest in the company and a willingness to learn and grow. 

Follow up

Lastly, as your application process for internships comes to a close, make an effort to reach out to your recruiters and interviewers from the companies expressing your appreciation for their time. Additionally, following up on your application status will keep you informed and establish your presence. 

Natalie is a Senior at the University of Connecticut studying Marketing with a concentration in Digital Marketing and Data Analytics. Even if she is running, cycling, or reading a book you can always find her listening to classic rock records.