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8 Compliments You Should Give That Aren’t Based on Appearance

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

As a society, we tend to focus on looks more than anything else. We have been taught to be conscious of our appearance at all times and we like to compliment others when they like good as well.

Whether we are rocking a new outfit or styling the latest Kylie lipstick, we cannot deny the fact that we love being complimented on our appearance. However, when we only compliment people on how they look, we tend to glaze over all the more amazing qualities they bring to the table and those, too, are deserving of recognition.

Here are compliments you can give that focus on much more than looks…

1. You are witty 

This is arguably the best compliment you can receive. If you are called witty, not only are you being told you’re funny, but smart as well. Being witty takes a lot of creativity and just the right amount of humor. This is a compliment anyone will be flattered by. 

2. You are fun

We all have those friends that can best be described as the life of the party.  Maybe you are that friend. Either way, everyone loves being called fun. If you enjoy someone’s company and find them entertaining, let them know they are a fun person to be around.

3. You are unique 

In a world full of copycats and wannabes, being unique is one of the best compliments you can get. It means that you are the kind of person who does not settle for the status quo. Instead, you are someone who is not afraid to be yourself, even if that makes you a little different from everyone else. Being one of a kind is a quality that should be celebrated and being called this is extremely flattering.

4. You are knowledgeable 

Being an informed person is not only a great quality, but an asset to everyday life. It is vital that one has an idea of what is going on in the world and stays up-to-date on current events. A knowledgeable person is not just smart, but adds quality to every conversation by ensuring others are informed as well. 

5. You are bold 

Being bold can be defined as being a person who is both confident and courageous. This is a kind of person who is not afraid to take risks or to make an unpopular statement. They are unapologetically themselves and willing to speak their mind when they do not agree with something. 

6. You are fierce 

Although in the past this term meant intense aggression, it has definitely changed meaning in recent years. Fierce can now best be described as being strong and proud. If you are fierce, you do not take any slack from anyone and are not afraid to defend yourself and friends when necessary. 

7. You are determined 

Being determined means you are someone who is dedicated to achieving your goals and living your life to the fullest. This kind of person has the “if you put your mind to it, you can do it” attitude and they do not let hardships keep them from fulfilling what they want out of life. 

8. Powerful 

In a world full of uncertainty and constant misfortune, it is nice to have a reminder of the inner strength we each have. We all have the power to control our destiny and become all that we hope. It is just important that we believe in that power and trust in our strength. It is also crucial that we remind each other and ourselves of that power. 

Although all compliments should be appreciated, it is the compliments that dig beneath the surface that have the most impact and are the most flattering. These compliments are the ones that show a person actually has taken the time to get to know you and recognize you as a multifaceted person. 

We do not need to stop giving people compliments based on appearance, but every once in the while we should try to compliment on other qualities. As versatile people, we each have so much to offer the world besides our looks and it is important to remember that and remind others of that, as well. 


