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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Freshman year can be a huge wake-up call.  New living arrangements, new school, and all new friends.  You’re bound to meet so many new people your freshman year and we’ve compiled a list of the seven kinds of people we’ve all met during our first year in college.


The Mom

At first, she will scare you.  She has a pep in her step that is unparalleled, and probably always wants to know your business.  In those first few weeks, you may think, “This is what crazy people are like.”  But after she gives you a Band-Aid or a life saving Tylenol, you will see that she’s got it all figured out and you are #blessed to live on her terrain.


The One Who Always Has a Guitar

You know the guy. You’d think he’d get tired of carrying around a guitar, but alas, you hear him coming from floors away, like an oncoming train whose whistle can only blow to the tune of “Wonderwall”.


The King

Ohhhh, The King.  College is his domain.  He knows everyone, he chugs/funnels/shotguns on Wednesdays.  He probably has a poster of a naked girl in his room.  Mr. College.  His presence alone makes you feel like you’re in an episode of Blue Mountain State.  Though you may be trying to do homework on weekdays, it’s good to know that you can watch him crush a beer can on his face if you need a break.


The Enigma

A favorite of mine, The Enigma is the person you will talk about at dinner parties for the rest of your life.  They slip on and off of your radar.  Their room is empty except for a towel (that’s a color you’ve literally never seen before) and a weird piece of pottery that you’re nervous to ask them about.  They’ll force you to ask yourself the simplest and most complex questions of your life, which will be “how?” and “why?” Trust me, these questions are best left unanswered.


The “How Did They Even Get Into This School?”

You’ll meet people who will make decisions and say things that are going to astound you.  They will be the ones who say, “Chicago,” for the states category in Kings.  They may not know who Joe Biden is.  Perhaps they threw their phone out the window to prove how unbreakable it was.  Regardless, they are now your equals and it has probably humbled you.


The Future President Of The United States

A very necessary counterpoint to the aforementioned, this person is in the library while you are still without pants.  Their homework is done by 8 p.m. and their meals actually consist of real vegetables.  Don’t lose their number, because they will be doing big things.

And finally…

Your Best Friend

If you’re very lucky, the craziness of the freshman year dorm forced you to find an ally with whom to navigate the mess.  Although you won’t stay close with all the great people you’re going to meet (see above), there will be one or two who will be there through it all and you probably met them right where it all began.  



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Nikki is the Campus Correspondent & Editor in Chief for Her Campus UConn.  She is a senior majoring in Communication with a minor in HDFS.  Nikki wishes she was Beyoncé, worships Adele, eats more pasta than is probably recommended, and is a Ravenclaw at heart.   If you have any questions or concerns regarding Her Campus UConn, you can email her at nicoleharris@hercampus.com.