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5 Things To Do When Experiencing Test Anxiety

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Has it ever felt like the weight of the world was on your shoulders during an exam? Has the stress of your exam made it hard to focus and do well? We all can feel this way during a big exam, that our future is riding on this one scantron sheet, and it can make sitting in a big lecture hall or classroom for a test even harder. Finals will be here before you know it, (wait, what…) but luckily, there are a few tricks you can use to help you calm down in the moment so you can focus better on your test. These tips can be used as preventative or in the moment to relieve stress and can be a nice mental break from a stressful exam. 

1. Stretch Your Body and Tighten Your Muscles

You are probably sitting hunched over in your seat, so take a minute and stretch out your back and shoulders. Lift your arms over your head and tighten your muscles and focus on the feeling of letting these muscles totally relax. The tightness will fade away and you can feel more comfortable as you return to your test.

2. Drink Green Tea Instead of Coffee

Drinking caffeine can be good for a pick me up but it can lead to more anxiety during a test. Caffeine can lead to feeling jittery and the feeling of being rushed so skip the coffee and opt for some Green Tea. Green Tea has antioxidants and will hydrate you as well. Green Tea actually has caffeine in it sometimes but not as much as coffee. It helps with alertness but not to the point of feeling jittery. Drink tea before the exam or have your mug with you to sip on while you are taking the test. Taking this sip can be a small and nourishing mental break.

3. Take a Moment to Breathe

When you are feeling the weight of the world in this one exam, take a moment to breathe. Take a deep breath in and try to let it out as slow as you can, relaxing muscles as you go. Being aware of your breathing can bring you back to the task at hand and keep your mind from wandering. This is why it is such a big part of Yoga, it focuses the mind and using the body for what you are trying to do.

4. Give Yourself a Hand Massage (no, really!)

Take a moment to massage your hands. There is lots of research and beliefs around the idea of hand massages as relaxing. Huffington Post reports on a method that is just massaging the space between the 2nd and 3rd knuckle which can create a sense of relaxation. Try it out, massaging your whole hand and then your knuckles. Not only will it help you relax, but also gives you a moment to step back and refocus.

5. Sneak a Little Dark Chocolate

No one will notice. If you have your back pack at your side go ahead and sneak a bite! Or if you can’t, have a little nibble on a piece before you go into the exam. Just like exercise chocolate releases endorphins and endorphins make you happy.

For more ideas, follow the hyperlinks to get more helpful testing and relaxation tips! 


I am from a small New Hampshire town you have probably never heard of before. I am always active and on the go, soccer, lacrosse, hiking, skiing, running and even horse back riding. I am shamelessly in love with every member of the Boston Red Sox as well as my border collie/aussie mix of a pup, Sophie. I am a physiology and neurobiology major here at Uconn and if I could be any one in the world other than myself I would be Christina Yang from Greys Anatomy