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Lessons of a 4th Year: Part 2

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Chicago chapter.
Last week, I gave my spiel on what the life of a 4th year looks like right now- most of us are still searching for jobs, summer positions, fellowships, or are waiting to hear back from grad schools, while a lucky few already have plans made for when they switch their tassle over to the other side, and officially become UChicago Alumni. However, UChicago does not let you leave unscathed without learning a few lessons the hard way. So, without further adieu, here are some tips and guidelines to help you better navigate UChicago life:
1. Listen to your academic/ career advisers advice, but in the end do what you see is best for you.
Advisers give advice to hundreds of students, and chances are you might meet with them once or twice a quarter, for some, even less so. So, they might not always know what situation is best for you, and as much as they want to help and give you the best advice possible, sometimes they can leave you feeling even more confused or torn to make a decision. But, life is all about decisions, and who knows you better than you, so take some time and consider your options, and in the end do what you see will benefit you the most!
2. Stay on top of your work!
Every time a professor would say this at the beginning of the quarter, I would always try and make a study plan and stay on top of it. But, as third and fourth week roll by, it is so hard to stay on top of everything! Want my advice? Make out a schedule of all your classes, extra discussions/weekly review sessions, RSO meetings, etc. Once you have what a standard week looks like for you, see where all your free time lies! Then, add in study time for each class to these empty time slots, and really stick to them. Pretend like its a 4th or 5th class that you can’t miss. Want more detail? Check out Cal Newport’s method called the Auto Pilot!
3. Use up every minute of free time between classes!
Going off of the last tip, it is important to make time of every daylight hour! Save yourself the trouble, and bags under your eyes, from (almost) ever pulling an all-nighter again! You can definitely save time, by running errands between classes, catching up on reading assignments, or even getting 1 or 2 problems shaved off of your problem sets, instead of doing them all at one time! It may sound crazy to you now (what, no more all-nighters on O-Chem p-sets? Crazy!), but seriously try it out, and you’ll see just how much more productive you can be!
4. Don’t join every RSO you see (Save your time and e-mail inbox!)
As a premed I was on almost every health related RSO list-host I could find, during my first year. Bad idea! Not only does your e-mail box get flooded with e-mails, but you also can’t focus your interests on one RSO that you really like! My advice: attend different RSO meetings your first/second year, without “officially” joining any until Winter or Spring quarter! That way you get to see those that you’re really interested in, and those that are most engaged and productive on campus! By doing this you get to sample a variety of RSOs, without committing to too many, and getting nothing out of them!
5. Do something you love to do at least ONCE a week!
The quarter-system is pretty hectic, and before you know it, you’re in 7th week (what!), and the quarter has just flown by, and you haven’t gone off of campus once! Doing something you love to do every week, whether it be randomly going on a last-minute shopping spree downtown (on a Tuesday), going to a Zumba Class, catching up with a friend for coffee, etc., really helps to relax your mind and regain that motivation and energy you need to make it through the next week of classes!
6. Make friends outside of your dorm buddies!
As much as I am a fan of bonding with my house (Hoover Love!), making friends outside of your house/dorm, can really help you to expand your horizons, and get you out of your comfort zone.
7. Positive Energy!!
Honestly, this is probably the best tip I can give anyone. Period. A positive mind-set can really help you get through the quarter (and life in general), and that pile of work sitting next to your computer right now. Keeping a positive attitude, really works if you give it a chance. I’ll admit, sometimes it is definitely easier to give-up, and be down on yourself (pity party, party of 1), but it only makes things worse! Even when things seem to be going all wrong, and work keeps piling up, take a moment (or the day off), do some yoga, meditate, or whatever works for you, and just regroup. It’ll work wonders, and you’ll regain the motivation to get back in the game!
8. Study Groups!
I am one to usually avoid study groups but now, more than ever, I realize that they’re more useful than I thought! Having someone to explain a concept to or ask any little question you may have instead of having to bug your TA 24/7, is very beneficial. Also, explaining a concept or teaching it to someone else is the best way to learn it and fill in the gaps of your knowledge. Plus, I’ve realized that many of the students who seem to be on top of their game, usually have study groups that they work with in every class. Try it out!
9. Do something new!
Doing something new, whether it be trying out that Indian restaurant in Devon, or learning to salsa, is exciting, and something that you may only have the opportunity to do now while your in college! College is all about new experiences, and as someone once told me when I was a mere first year, “Do not let school get in the way of your education”. I have kept it in mind ever since. So, drop that Physics p-set, put down your laptop (I promise facebook will still be there when you get back), and do something that you may only have the chance to do once!
10. Explore majors, electives, etc. early on!
Something I wish I would’ve done my first year is explore through more major options and elective classes! UChicago, can sometimes seem like the circle of Hell that Dante forgot, but for learning things, you’ve got to admit it’s pretty great, besides all of the homework, of course. But, seriously, just about anything you want to learn, can be studied here! So, don’t be a good little first year like I was, and take all of your Core classes right away (though do take some), instead explore while you can before you decide what you want your major to be!!
Hope these tips help you to survive your next few years at UChicago! Enjoy them while you can, and appreciate being a UChicago student everyday! :)