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photo of corn field
Aaron Burden/Unsplash

What a New Outlook on the Holidays Can Bring

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Alberta chapter.

With Thanksgiving quickly approaching this weekend, it gets easy to become enveloped in all of the luxuries we have in our lives. Most of us are likely thinking about travelling back home for the first time this semester, or even just spending quality time with the people you see everyday. This weekend is seen as the first big break of the semester – a time to escape the stresses of school, extracurriculars or anything else that may be bringing you down. For many of us, we are consistently in the “student state of mind” and we sometimes forget what is going on in the world around us. We sometimes forget that nearly 850,000 Canadians are helped by Food Banks all across Canada every month, and holidays such as Thanksgiving are no exception (Food Banks of Canada website). We sometimes forget that our help can go far when you donate your time or money to a big charity, but some of the best help you can give around the holidays is in your own neighbourhood.

But what can you do to make a difference in your own community? Well one way to make a difference is to volunteer at the Food Bank, as I mentioned above. In Canada alone, there are 550 food banks and more than 3000 food programs (Food Banks of Canada website). These are always looking for a helping hand. Another good way to help out is to volunteer at a social care facility, such the Hope Mission here in Edmonton. Facilities such as these often prepare meals for the less privileged around the holidays, and they are always looking for volunteers. Of course, these aren’t the only options if you are looking to get involved in your community but these are services that become especially important around the holidays.

The point of saying all of this is to serve as a reminder to “walk in someone else’s shoes” this Thanksgiving. Remember to enjoy time with your loved ones, but also remember to help out where you can. As exciting as any holiday season is, it can also be a time of sadness for some. So, help out in your community and not just around the holidays, but whenever you can. If we all decided to look at the world differently and pitch in where we can, our communities would be stronger and there would be less barriers to break down. This Thanksgiving, remember to show thanks for what you have and gratitude to the world around you. If you can, try to share these positive feelings with those around you and make this holiday a little brighter for someone in need.


Hi, I'm Rachel. I am a third year Bachelor of Arts student at the University of Alberta majoring in Political Science and minoring in Sociology. I am extremely passionate about writing and I am so happy to share my ideas through Her Campus. In my free time, I love to read, volunteer and hang out with dogs. One day, I hope to own a corgi as they are most definitely my dream dog. I hope you enjoy what I have to say through my writing. 
Breanne D

U Alberta '19

Co-founder and proud alumna of Her Campus at UAlberta.