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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Alberta chapter.

As the weather gets colder and we move away from shorts and tank tops into jeans and sweaters we also need to keep in mind that our skin is changing due to the cold climate. Proper skin care is a must and probably the most important part of any beauty regimen.  So here are some basic tips that I use in my skincare routine for the colder weather so your face looks healthy all winter long.

Photo by Park Street on Unsplash – Model: @cienahakesa


Hydrating Cleanser.

The keyword here is hydrating. Normal soap and scented hand washes dries out the skin and gives rashes to your face. The cold weather makes your body hold in heat by narrowing its blood vessels. So you need a cleanser that is super hydrating and gentle on the skin

Exfoliate With Caution 

I’m a strong believer you should exfoliate even in winter, because I noticed that’s when I  get the most dead skin. Exfoliate with caution (caution being the most important word.) You don’t want to strip your face from its natural oils especially during winter time, this will definitely lead to your face getting dried out . So in winter I exfoliate twice a week and usually I do it before bed or right when I get home so my face has some time to settle down.  I try to make sure my exfoliants don’t have any beads them as well..


You really need toner.  After you’ve stripped your skin of dead particles (and some of your natural oils)  you need a toner to close up your pores and strengthen the skin’s barrier. Toner will be your best friend during winter and you will notice the difference. I highly recommend using an alcohol free toner so your skin doesn’t dry out.

Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize 

If you take anything out of this routine, let it be moisturizer. Your skin is drying out and cracking in cold climate. It’s not a cute look. If you don’t want to spend a lot on a full routine, at least spend it on moisturizer (If anything buy a moisturizing body wash if you don’t have the time.) You can use it in the shower. Keeping things moisturized will make your skin shiny and healthy, and less vulnerable to cracking.

NEVER wash your face in hot water in the cold months.

It will make things even worse, leading to your skin drying out even more. Using lukewarm water instead will protect your skin’s barrier.

 Carry lip balm/ use lip scrubs.

Keep your lips soft and healthy by carrying around lip balms with you. Some come in flavors and some are even tinted so you don’t have to dry out your lips more by using lipsticks. Lips scrubs are essential for when your lips are dried out. If you can’t afford a lip scrub you can make some with coconut oil, brown sugar and organic honey.

It can be as simple as water.

You’re already helping your skin out without even trying. Drinking water is great for the skin and keeps you hydrated and glowing. Recommend water doses is 4-5 cups a day. You can even heat some water and drink it with lemon for a little extra taste.

Kate Puim

U Alberta '24

Visual Communications graduate turned psychology student. I'm a master at finding affordable beauty products and stylish outfits. I dig coffee, chocolate, bold lipstick and pandas. Mental health advocate and your new best friend.
Robin is a senior student at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta. She is getting a Science Degree, with a Psychology major and a double minor in Sociology & Biology. Part-time jobs, full-time classes, various student groups and volunteering fill most of her time. Robin is the 2020/2021 President of Her Campus at UAlberta and served as the social media director for the 2018/2019 year!