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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Alberta chapter.

For a large part of last month, I was just going through the motions. Waking up whenever, eating whatever, 

spending hours on my phone or on Netflix. This got old quick. 


I knew I wasn’t happy with the way I was spending my time, but couldn’t muster up the motivation to do much 

else. Conversations with family and friends reassured me that I wasn’t the only one feeling this way and gave me 

the boost I needed to start holding myself more accountable. The first step for me is checking in with my thoughts 

and feelings, as a way to gauge what exactly I want to change about them.  


It doesn’t have to be a time-consuming process; gaining more insight into you, your feelings and thoughts, is the 

only goal. Here are some of the ways to achieve this 

Answer some prompts if you don’t know where to start 

What can I let go of that’s getting in the way of my health and well-being, that’s no longer serving or supporting me?

Have I been letting myself feel my feelings?

What can I learn from a mistake or not-so-great decision I made this week?

What am I feeling right now?

What’s one way I can play today or this week?

Write out your feelings as they come to you.



Talk through your feelings

Speak as if you were having a conversation with someone else.

Talk to an actual person whenever you can.

Some of your greatest self-discoveries can come from 

someone else’s insights that you may never have considered. 

Ver-Se Denga

U Alberta '21

Ver-Se is in her 4th year of uni, studying Biology and Psychology and serving as Senior Editor of the UAlberta Chapter. She loves to read and can't imagine a world without Chimamanda Adichie in it.
Robin is a senior student at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta. She is getting a Science Degree, with a Psychology major and a double minor in Sociology & Biology. Part-time jobs, full-time classes, various student groups and volunteering fill most of her time. Robin is the 2020/2021 President of Her Campus at UAlberta and served as the social media director for the 2018/2019 year!