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5 Things to do During Reading Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Alberta chapter.

It’s finally here, the week we have been waiting for since school stopped being exciting (probably sometime around the end of September):Reading Week! This upcoming week is a well earned break (for many students, as I recognize that not all faculties take Fall Break) from the monotony of attending your day to day classes. If you don’t have anything planned yet, check out this plan of 5 different things (one for each weekday) to keep you busy during Reading Week!


Visit friends or family that you haven’t seen in a while. Give them a call or text and see if they’re free to go for coffee or check out a movie. Go home for a few days if you can. A lot of students don’t have the opportunity to travel home during school breaks. If this is the case, why not invite some friends or other students who are in the same situation and do an activity together!


Take some time for yourself. Get some extra sleep, give yourself a spa day, read a book. It can be hard to find a lot of time for this during school, but it is very important for your well-being (even if it’s just something that seems pretty small).


Clean or organize your space. This is also a part of taking time for yourself! Make things a little less stressful by decluttering your room or desk so you don’t have to think about things being messy when it’s time to study or relax. Or do that laundry that’s been building up and actually get around to folding/hanging it. You could even pick one cleaning project that you have been putting off and take care of it in a few hours (or possibly a day).


Go on a date night. Go with a significant other, friend, group of friends, whoever you want!

Check out an article I wrote on Date Nights in Edmonton for some ideas.


Take a little bit of time to catch up or get ahead. It’s amazing how much progress you can make in a few focused hours. Give yourself some time and a plan and you’ll be grateful come the end of the week that you actually did something productive!

Breanne D

U Alberta '19

Co-founder and proud alumna of Her Campus at UAlberta.