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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

If you’re a student at Tulane, you’ve most likely heard about the results of the Climate Survey and the points that were brought up at the Town Hall that followed the release of the survey results. The Tulane community is clearly outraged by the lack of care that has gone into this issue, but it is important that all students know where to get help if they need it.

This handy flow chart has a ton of information in regard to filing a report or seeking help following a sexual assault. These resources are put in place to support victims and help make the recovery process as simple and painless as possible. If you do not need to report a case, but would like to get involved in efforts to combat sexual violence on Tulane’s campus, there are several clubs and initiatives you can join.

An amazing resource offered by Tulane is OneWave training. While many students are unaware of what this program actually does, it is the best way to become a more educated community member with the skills needed to recognize and prevent sexual violence. The Well offers 1-hour workshops and 2-hour leadership training sessions for all students interested. Sign up at https://campushealth.tulane.edu/one-wave.

The Sexual Violence Prevention and Education Coalition (SVPEC) brings together administration, faculty, staff, and students who all share a goal of creating a safe and informed community in regard to sexual violence and misconduct at Tulane. SVPEC works to educate Tulane’s community through event programming and provide support for victims, as well as create policy change on campus. To get involved, contact Lindsey Greeson at lgreeson@tulane.edu or Meredith Smith at msmith76@tulane.edu

The Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) is an organization under Tulane’s Undergraduate Student Government that serves to address all health-related issues on campus. SHAC bridges the gap between students-at-large and USG, so this is a great way to make sure your voice is heard. You can discuss your ideas with other SHAC members and potentially create new legislation for USG approval. To get involved in SHAC’s sexual violence prevention subcommittee, contact Christina Krisberg at ckrisber@tulane.edu.

There are so many other ways to get involved on campus, so do your own research to find out more! This is an issue that affects so many people, and change can only happen if students are willing to take a stand against sexual violence to create a safe community for all.