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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

Whether you’re spending your spring break at home or on the beaches, it’s important to take time to yourself and have fun!  This spring break bucket list is the perfect way to be adventurous and have a relaxing spring break.

1.  Have a spa day!  Spring break is a great time to relax without the pressures of school to weigh you down.  You can have a spa day at home with your friends or splurge and visit a spa.  Either way, you will surely feel calm and rested with your fresh nails and clean pores.

2.  Bake something!  During school, you hardly have time to bake and home-made cookies aren’t readily available.  Use the break to get together with friends and try that recipe you have on Pinterest.

3.  Get fit.  You’ve been working hard to get your bikini bod, or you’ve been telling yourself you’d start that diet for summer soon.  Now is the time to continue getting fit or getting your summer bod.  You’ll feel better during finals and won’t have to worry when summer comes!

4.  Watch something random on Netflix or TV.  Instead of taking an hour to agree what to watch, use a random Netflix generator online to find something to watch.  It’ll be fun to try something you wouldn’t think to watch, and even if it’s horrible you’ll have fun making fun of it.

5.  Stay up to watch the sunset, or wake up early to watch a sunrise!  Your sleeping schedule is flexible during spring break.  Why not take the opportunity to see a sunset or sunrise?

6.  Try a new restaurant or cafe!  Whether you’re staying on campus, home, or on the gulf shores, there’s tons of new restaurants to try.  Go on an adventure with your friends or yourself and give your pallette a taste of something new.  You may find your new favorite study spot or restaurant!

7.  Parks and Rec 2012 says it all: Treat Yo’ Self.  You’ve been working hard all semester.  Take the break you deserve and give yourself a present!  Those cute shoes in your favorite boutique on Magazine have your name on them.  Pull a Tom Haverford and splurge a little.

8.  Apply for a summer job!  Once school starts again, time will fly.  Classes will finish, finals will come, and soon it will be summer!  Spring break is the perfect time to cement your summer plans and apply for a job, summer school, or that awesome volunteer position your mom showed you.

9.  Call someone you love.  It’s easy to get swept up in the troubles of the semester, but it’s important to let those you love know it!  Everyone loves receiving a surprise call and hearing how much they mean to someone.

10.  Take time to yourself.  Try yoga or meditation, read a book, write poetry, lay out under the stars.  Whatever you do, spend some time alone!  It will help you relax, destress, and energize yourself for the rest of spring break and the semester!



Neuroscience, Philosophy, and Psychology triple major. Amy Poehler is my spirit animal.
Her Campus Tulane