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New Year’s Resolution Ideas

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

As we get closer and closer to the holidays, it’s time to start making New Year’s resolutions.  Although you may be thinking of swearing off of chocolate or sweets for a month, I encourage you to reconsider. Though popular, those types of resolutions are relatively meaningless, and let’s be real—you’re setting yourself up for failure!

New Year’s is the ultimate time for self-evaluation—what’s making you happy, unhappy, and what changes you feel are important to make.  Here are some ideas to help get you started…


Get in Shape

Whether you’ve been putting off working out until “tomorrow” for months, or you’d just like to be healthier, this is a great one for New Year’s (particularly after an indulgent holiday season filled more sugar than you’d like to admit!)

Focus on Self-Care

Whatever your specific goal may be, self-care is important.  But set a specific, realistic goal so it’s not overwhelming—maybe you want to drink more water, eat healthier, get into a better sleep routine, or spend more time on personal hobbies.

Make a Personal Change

After reflecting, maybe there’s something you wish you did more or less.  Even acknowledging this is a great first step towards making a positive change.

Do More for the Community

Particularly at Tulane and in college generally, we have so many opportunities to do amazing things for our communities.  So maybe all those hours spent procrastinating studying could be better put towards a really meaningful service project.

Have Productive Days

Limit time spent watching TV, mindlessly scrolling through social media, or snapchatting, and get out of bed.  2018 hasn’t even begun and it’ll be over before we know it!

Her Campus Tulane