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Lazy Girl Hack Breakfast Edition: Overnight Oats

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

For the new year of 2019, I created many resolutions for myself in which I was hoping to carry out. A few of my resolutions included going to bed at a reasonable hour, budgeting for the week, and maintaining a healthy diet and workout regimen. Now that we are in the thick of the mid-term season, I have noticed myself falling back into old routines. Within the past month, I have been spending too much money on Panera breakfast sandwiches, staying up into the late hours of the night scrolling on my phone, and staying in bed when I had planned to go to the gym. 

However, despite falling into unhealthy habits, it’s never too late to wipe the slate clean and start fresh. Post-spring break, my friends and I are going to work together to hold ourselves accountable for our actions. One of the ways I stay motivated to eat clean is to find new recipes on Pinterest. Living in a dorm, cooking is difficult. However, my recently discovered overnight oats recipe is foolproof, and perfect to grab on the go before class. After learning this recipe a week ago, I have been making my overnight oats nightly to stick in the fridge overnight and grab in the morning. I am very excited to share this recipe. It can be modified in several different ways. 

Overnight Oats Protein Bowl

  1. Find any Tupperware dish or bowl.
  2. Pour in one serving size of oats. I use the 365 Everyday Value Organic Instant Oatmeal in the original flavor. I will typically use two packets of instant oatmeal as I find one is not enough to keep me full throughout my morning classes.
  3. Next, pour in your desired unsweetened milk of choice. I use almond milk. I recommend using 2/3 cup of milk per 1/2 cup of rolled oats. If you do not have a measuring cup, you can estimate by pouring in your liquid until the oats are fully submerged.
  4. Next, add half a cup of chocolate protein powder and stir. 
  5. Next, add a spoon full of your desired nut butter for flavor. I either use raw almond butter from Trader Joes or Barney Butter. 
  6. Next, mash one full banana and mix in the banana with your rolled oats. It will be easier to mash the banana if it is riper. 
  7. For extra flavor and nutritional benefits, I recommend a spoon full of flax seeds and cocoa nibs. 
  8. once all ingredients are added, secure your oats with a lid and leave in the fridge overnight. 
  9. In the morning take your oats out and enjoy! Your oats should have solidified to your desired texture.