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The How To’s of Staying on Top of Schoolwork

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.


As we all know, New Orleans is notorious for having plenty of parties to attend, restaurants to check out and a just about a million other things that steer our attention away from our schoolwork! Despite the fact that it may be seemingly impossible to get all of your work done before the weekend, but here are some useful tips to staying stress-free and keeping on top of your academics:


Good Nights Sleep: Late night cramming can only get you so far. When that time of night hits when your brain feels like nothing more than a mush of jumbled information, its time to put the books down. A good nights sleep will not only keep you from crashing before a long weekend, but it will also rest your mind so you will be able to get a refreshing start in the morning!


Power Naps: If you are feeling completely worn down during the course of the day, but know that a long night in the library awaits, a quick power nap can almost always do the trick. Keep in mind; any nap more than 30 minutes will probably make you feel even more exhausted, setting you back and not forward.


Exercise: It may not always be on everyone’s mind while cramming for midterms, but a quick trip to the gym, or even just a leisurely walk will help enormously. Not only will the break feel nice, but also exercise stimulates the brain.


Eat Healthy: No one can deny that when studying the only foods that sound appealing is junk food. It may feel satisfying at the time to munch on a few unhealthy snacks while working, but there is almost nothing worse. Unhealthy food makes you sleepy and sluggish, not a good combo anyone wants to be while trying to do work! If you need a snack grab a piece of fruit or some yogurt. Always remember to keep your meals healthy as well to energize the body and mind!


Take Breaks: Quick breaks are more than necessary when studying. Since there is no worse feeling than being cooped up in the library day in and day out, getting off campus is a great way to clear your head. If you can’t get anywhere by vehicle, get some friends and walk to a street that’s close like Maple! A trip to Starbucks, or a meal at Refuel, will do the trick to getting your mind off of your studies. An hour or so break every now and then will keep you focused when heading back to the library. If you can’t get off campus, at the very least take a break in your room for some alone time, or just get together with some friends to chat for a while. A study break is always necessary; make sure to keep this in mind, or you won’t have one anymore!


All of these study tricks are very important for not only keeping your grades up, but also for the giving your body the energy it needs when the weekend comes! New Orleans is unlike anywhere else, so rest up, good luck, and, most importantly, remember to have fun ladies!