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How to Tackle Early Mornings Like the Boss You Are

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

8 AMs can be pretty rough. If you struggle with waking up early for class, these tips are a foolproof way to get along with your alarm clock. Now get comfortable, start reading, and grab a tall cup of coffee. Rise & shine!


Make a morning playlist

Morning playlists are a great way to get your day started. All you need to do is make a playlist that lasts the duration of your morning routine. You can use cheery songs that will motivate you to feel refreshed and help you time your mornings to get out the door on time.


Most important meal of the day

Don’t skip meals! The Bruff food truck has eggs, biscuits, sausage, potatoes, and juice and water for a quick meal on the go. Plus, they only take swipes, helping you use up the swipes on your meal plan. You can also pull some morning meal prep with frozen meals (sandwiches, waffles, or pancakes) from Amazon, Whole Foods, or even McMart.

Lay out clothes the night before

Picking out clothes the night before will help you save time in the morning. Plus, if your roommate is still asleep, you can stop the noisy wardrobes and drawers. Making your look the night before is also a calm, creative activity as you’re getting ready for bed.


Master your morning routine

Remember – dry shampoo is your friend. Especially in the NOLA humidity. Try to limit yourself to a maximum of six makeup products, keeping it quick. Try to find skincare products that are not too involved, or are even two products in one.


See a friend

If your friend is in the same early class with you, make a plan to grab coffee first or even just walk together. By making a plan with someone, you are less likely to oversleep or skip class completely. Having someone else relying on you in the morning is a great way to make sure you get out the door on time.

Hi, I'm Taylor, and I'm a freshman at Tulane! I'm from Long Island, NY and I love fashion, food, and music.
Her Campus Tulane