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Her Campus Tulane Gets Involved! Days for Girls Volunteer Project

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

This past Sunday the Her Campus Tulane Exec Board had the unique opportunity to get involved with an organization doing amazing work for girls around the globe. Days for Girls is a nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring that every girl has access to something many of us take for granted: feminine hygiene products.

Days for Girls is committed to making sure that every girl is educated about reproductive issues and has the supplies they need during their period each month. While this may seem like a given for many of us, far too many girls end up staying home from school each month and suffering the shame that comes from the stigma surrounding the reproductive cycle. This disruption in their education has long-lasting effects and contributes to exploitation and unfortunately reinforces the education gap between the genders.

We were lucky enough to get involved with one of the innovative solutions that the women behind Days for Girls have come up with. Disposable sanitary products are often not feasible because of the lack of trash services and the fact that when disposed of improperly they can contribute to the spread of disease and unsanitary conditions. That is why Days for Girls has come up with reusable cloth pads that can be washed using very little water and hung up inconspicuously in the sun to dry. Volunteers make the kits, which include the reusable liners, soap and an instructional guide, to send to girls who do not have reliable access to hygiene products. These kits (see our pictures bellow!) enable girls to attend school during their period and are distributed by volunteers who are trained to educate them about feminine health and hygiene.  

Her Campus Tulane was so excited to be a part of an organization that is responding to such a real and pressing issue for too many girls. Days for Girls is always looking for volunteers and fundraisers so if you’re searching for a worthy cause to get involved with this is certainly one to look out for! Make sure to check out their website to learn more about the cause and getting involved. 

Her Campus Tulane