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Campus Celebrity: Audrey Catalano

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

Name: Audrey Catalano


Year: Sophomore


Hometown: Bellingham, Massachusetts


Major: Theatre and Linguistics, French minor


What are you involved in at Tulane?

TU theatre department, Etch-a-Sketch Comedy, Vagina Monologues, HerCampus, EVP of Civic Engagement for SoHo, Alpha Lambda Delta, and I work at the New Orleans Shakespeare Festival Office.


You were just involved in the schools’ production of the play, The Children’s Hour. Do you have any plans to continue your acting career throughout the rest of the semester?

Yeah! This semester I’m in Vagina Monologues, which runs April 10-12, and I’ll be in Etch-a-Sketch’s semester show, which runs April 16-19 (!!!). Thanks for this shameless plug.



Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I’d love to run the education department of a professional regional theatre. I’d also like to be a teaching artist. And I want to learn at least 2 more languages. And own a dog. Several. I primarily want to own several dogs. Maybe a sea otter? Can I do that? I’m gonna do it.


What’s your most memorable experience at Tulane? Last year I took a class called Shakespeare on the Road, where we tour a show to elementary and middle schools around New Orleans. The students’ reactions and questions are a major reason I want to go into theatre education. Also, being part of my first Sketch show was #un4gettable.


Favorite New Orleans spot?

I am unabashedly indecisive so here’s a four-way tie: Audubon Zoo, the Spotted Cat, District Donuts, and Jackson Square.


Who is your hero?

Another tie: Joni Mitchell, the Tulane Linguistics Department, Meghan Wales, and Broad City.  


What is one thing you must cross off your bucket list before you graduate?

I *MUST* hold a sea otter at the Audubon Aquarium.