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Boys will be Boys According to Sex and the City

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

From our first crush in middle school to our imaginary boyfriends in college, all we do is dream about that magical moment when the boy we’ve been in love with for years will wake up and realize that its time to find a girlfriend and stop messing around. In middle school we thought that moment would come with the coolness of high school, in high school we thought that moment would come with the independence of college, and now in college we hope that moment will come with the maturity of finding a job and working. However, after finishing Sex and the City in one weekend, I am starting to think that maturity will never come. I know I sound as pessimistic as Miranda sounds at every brunch that the ‘girls’ have but after following Carrie and Mr. Big’s relationship, Charlotte’s fairy tail ending just seems far from realistic. Mr. Big embodies the indecisiveness smooth talking personality that every boy I have ever come into contact with has. As a result, I’m starting to think that every frat boy I have ever been secretly obsessed with or every ex boyfriend I have ever had that is “too immature to know how to love a girl” is just always going to stay like that. I’m not saying that every boy is like that because there are definitely some exceptions but who likes Mr. nice guy anyways? Take Aidan for example. Aidan is PERFECT all he does is love and cherish Carrie, (which is everything we hope for right?) but for some reason Carrie keeps going back to Mr. Big and vice versa. Big goes back to Carrie when she is living her best life and Carrie continuously falls for it. Sound familiar? Obviously. The only difference is, this isn’t happening in college, it’s happening well into their FORTIES. The only logical explanation for this vicious cycle is the fact that this emotional rollercoaster is faaaaar from over. Now I’m not completely blaming the opposite gender, us girls are at fault too. The fact of the matter is, if these boys are clearly not changing any time soon and that magical moment we dream of might not come, we need to change. I know, easier said than done but if Samantha was able to fall in love, get cheated on, and still be her bad ass self, we can do the same. Binge watching Sex and the City has taught me that even though there is little hope for our platonic loves, we have to accept that and love ourselves the most. 

Her Campus Tulane