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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

Is being sick in college the worst? Yes. But it is also incredibly common, especially amongst college freshmen. With these tips you can conquer frat flu, the Boot cough, and more!

Try staying in as opposed to hitting the town 

We all know that Tulane students have a great “work hard, play hard” mentality, but sometimes, especially when we are feeling the symptoms of a cold coming on, we push ourselves instead of healing. I know, I know, I am guilty of this too. Just try it for a weekend, watch some Netflix, have some soup, and invest in relaxation time as your body’s working overtime to fight off unwanted illnesses. FOMO is a real thing, however, most night’s out are all fairly similar and just think of how good you’ll feel at the next Boot night or frat party once you are all better! I promise you won’t miss much!

Don’t discount the power of vitamins

I highly encourage everyone to invest in quality multivitamins to take on a daily basis. In addition, Elderberry gummies and Vitamin C gummies are great additions when we need an extra boost while under the weather. I also love taking Emergen-C or Liquid IV when I feel the onset of any cold-like symptoms. Mix the powder in a bit of water and you are all set! I also love drinking tea especially when my throat is sore, which can be found in the dining halls. Or try a secret family trick of mine to momentarily relieve a sore throat, gargling hot salt water.

Hydrate and rest

Beyond just halting going out, you should also cut back on other strenuous activities such as high impact workouts. As a fellow gym rat this is tough. But try substituting your heavy arm day for a walk in the fresh air around Audubon. Going for an outdoor walk is a great way to get exercise and also get outside your dorm room. On that note it is also important to hydrate specifically with water to flush out the sickness from your body. While hydration is key for everyday life it is especially important while you’re sick. So stay away from sugary sodas and alcohol for a bit and try a vitamin water or a squeeze of lemon in your water instead if you want something flavored. Also don’t be afraid to take a nap in between studying and class if you are feeling a little extra tired, it definitely won’t hurt! 

A final note…

Colds are inevitable, but somehow in college they are more frequent which can affect everything from schoolwork to how we feel mentally. Use these tips and practice putting your health first to recover quickly and persevere past your sickness!  

Annabelle Tomczyk is a freshman at Tulane University studying communications. When she is not doing school work she can be found at the gym, exploring New Orleans, or trying new and delicious restaurants around the city.