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Tisch Essentials for Finals Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

Finals are upon us and that means late nights in Tisch for everyone. Here are some essentials to put in your bag that will keep you going all night long (in the Reading Room…).



Late nights in the reading room can get pretty depressing, so make sure your JumboCash is stocked! Sometimes all you need to get you through that IR studying is an Iced Chai and a chocolate chip cookie. Treat yourself—it’s finals!

Phone Charger

You’ve been working hard in your study carrel all day, and so has your phone! Don’t lose your great Tisch playlist because of a dead battery—bring your phone charger with you. Your friends will love you too if they get that pesky 20% battery notification. You can save their day!


A good study playlist can be essential to keep you going during finals period, so make sure you bring your headphones with you to Tisch. Can’t concentrate with music on, but you’re stuck in the group study section because there are no other tables? Try listening to white noise or rain on Youtube to drown out those chatty people near you.



Make sure you wear layers! It’s freezing outside, but sometimes the purple hallway can be hotter than the beach in the Caribbean that you’re dreaming of right now. Make sure you’re prepared for the varying climate of Tisch! Wear a light layer on the bottom and bulk up from there—you’ll be good to go!

Water Bottle 


Hydrating is key to staying energized and focused in Tisch throughout the day. Making a few trips to the Tower can be good study breaks! You can use the trip to fill up your water bottle as an excuse to talk to your friends along the way, or to wave to that cute person you met last Saturday night.


Happy studying! 


Photo sources: http://passedtenseblog.azurewebsites.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Fotolia_42575622_Subscription_Monthly_XXL.jpghttp://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/dam/assets/120621015024-iphone-charger-change-two-story-top.jpghttp://www.everythingsummercamp.com//common/images/products/large/Camelbak_eddy_blue.jpghttp://static.oprah.com/images/o2/201403/20140319-steep-your-soul-8-949×534.jpg, meldmagazine.com.au, womenshealthmag.com

Sophomore at Tufts. Involved in Alpha Phi, Her Campus Tufts, Tufts Relay For Life, Tufts Cancer Outreach, Tufts Blood Drive. Loves cooking, baking, skiing, and playing with her two Miniature Dachshunds.