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Tailored To Tufts- Week 6

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

I made a terrible mistake: I put away all my sweaters before Spring Break. Instead of doing the logical thing and taking them out again, I decided to ignore Boston’s reincarnated winter and made a unilateral decision it was springtime; the cherry blossoms in D.C. have already bloomed, for pete’s sake!
While layers were necessary for going outside this week, underneath the jackets I tested out some new spring clothes I’d been dying to wear. But, because of some freakish circulation issues, I did have to keep my feet bundled in my favorite boots from the chillier months this year. So, while I don’t recommend freezing, there’s no harm in motivating the temperature to climb by revealing just a little bit of paste-y skin. 


Stephanie Haven is a freshman at Tufts University where she plans to major in Sociology with a minor in Communication and Media Studies. She enjoys making terrible puns about her Tufts of hair and Jumbo supply of stockpiled food. After college she plans to live in New York City where she hopes to pursue her dream of becoming a journalist. You can find her trying to figure out Twitter @stephaniehaven.