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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.


When it comes to having sex for the first time, stories can range from heart wrenchingly romantic to painfully awkward. We wanted to (anonymously!) get the dirty deets on some of your fellow Jumbo’s first times. Read on to hear real stories of how fellow Tufts collegiettes lost their virginity!

 “My first time was so insignificant to me that I do not remember it. I wasn’t drunk, and I wasn’t high. I just truly don’t remember.”


“Lasted way too long and I couldn’t finish.”           



“It was very painful and I got blood all over the sheets. Plus the guy I was with was NOT very sensitive about my situation! He was only concerned with himself and wouldn’t put on a condom. He really couldn’t have cared less about my feelings.”



“My first time was weird because it was with my boyfriend of a year and a half… two months after we broke up. The whole time I really wasn’t that into it, but I figured if I was going to lose my virginity to someone it might as well be him. Honestly, I don’t remember the details of it. It didn’t hurt—in fact, it barely felt like anything. I didn’t have sex for over a year after I lost my virginity.”



“On the floor of the guest room at my then-girlfriend’s house when we got home from school.”



“Summer before freshman year. He was a musician and he made me feel beautiful. It was our last night together and we pushed two couches together. We only ever had sex once. I was scared, but he was kind. I didn’t get why sex was such a big deal. We live on different continents, so I may never see him again. I’m happy with that.”



For more collegiette confessions checkout Tufts Freshman Confessions

Photos courtsey of: definitelyfilipino.com, plrt.org, rlv.zcache.com, olajumokeadenowo.com, gifrific.com

Edited by Adriana Guardans-Godo