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Finals Season As Told By Honey Boo Boo

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

As summer approaches, finals begin to take their toll, coming in by storm. It seems that the best way to express this mounting stress and subsequent wide range of emotions is through the young pageant star, Honey Boo Boo.


Attempting to prioritize your studying for four exams:


Becoming overwhelmed by the large number of things you need to do, and the small amount of time that you have to do them:

Taking a ten-minute study break on your phone:

Jamming to your study playlist:


When someone else from your class tells you that they’ve studied for twice the amount of time that you have:


Realizing you’re in over your head, but you still won’t give up:


When you’ve finally finished 200+ pages of reading and it’s 3 am:

Coming home from Tisch at 3 am:


Staying in on a Saturday night to study while your friends go out:

Ordering Helen’s to Tisch because you deserve it:


Walking into your first exam like:


When that one thing your professor told you not to study ends up on the exam:


Walking out of your hardest exam:


Realizing the only thing between you and summer is one exam:


Finishing your last exam right in time for the weekend:


And finally getting your groove on:


Sources: giphy.com/, iamaserver.tumblr.com/, heavyeditorial.files.wordpress.com/, lovelace-media.imgix.net/