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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.


Anna shows off her cute hipster-meets-sophisticated outfit on one of the warmer days this winter. Her striped dress is a good choice of pattern which offsets the neutral colors of her boots, tights, scarf, and cardigan. She accentuates her waist by adding a simple belt, but she keeps the cardigan and scarf on so its not too dressy for class. While the top half of this outfit could be perfect for spring, the tights and boots make it winter appropriate and functional for the muddy trudge up and down hill.

Simmone Seymour is a current student at Tufts University studying Political Science, Economics, and Communications. She is interested in films, fashion, art, design, marketing, advertising, PR, blogging, new trends and the DIY movement. She is now the Campus Correspondent for the Tufts University Chapter of Her Campus and blogs for the Beauty School Blog. She aspires to get involved in marketing and has worked at Kirkland & Ellis LLP, Hungry Fish Media, Jack Morton Worldwide, Argopoint LLP, the Tufts Daily, the HC headquarters as a Marketing & Sales Associate, and at Leo Burnett Worldwide.In her spare time (which is far and in between) she freelance writes for publications, maintains a blog, learns about graphic design and coding, and explores which ever city she may be in. Her idols are Chelsea handler, Sheryl Sandberg, and Marissa Meyer.Got something fashion or beauty-related you think is amazing? Contact Simmone at SimmoneSeymour@hercampus.com to discuss article inquiries.