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The Best Study Snacks for Finals!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

It’s that time of year again, collegiettes—final exam period! By consuming the right foods and drinks can not only improve your physical health, but it can also enhance brain function. The next time you find yourself craving a study snack, ditch those greasy potato chips and choose one of these healthier options instead to boost your mental performance, increase your productivity, and help control your moods!


1.      Nuts

Pick up a pack of almonds, cashews, pistachios, or peanuts—unsalted, if you want to be extra healthy!—to get a quick energy boost while you are studying. Nuts are an excellent source of fiber as well as protein, which will help you feel fuller longer and prevent you from over-eating.


2.      Berries

Not only are they a sweet, quick, and convenient snack, but they also are full of health benefits that promote brain function. Berries are high in antioxidants and phytonutrients, which help increase blood flow to the brain to boost mental performance.


3.      Dark chocolate

While it may seem like more of an indulgent treat than a study snack, dark chocolate is an awesome brain food—in moderation, of course! Its natural stimulants improve blood flow to the brain, which can help you concentrate on your work. It also contains a lot of antioxidants and endorphins to boost your mood. Remember, the higher the percentage of cacao, the more health benefits you’ll get.


4.      Cheese and whole grain crackers

Whole grain crackers are a good source of fiber and will help keep your hunger satisfied for longer than a normal cracker. Low-fat cheese offers up a variety of vitamins as well as protein. Put together, these two foods make a very tasty study snack.


5.      Apples and almond butter

Apples alone are good for you, as they contain plenty of vitamin C, fiber, and potassium. But, paired with a great protein source like almond butter, they are even better! Almond butter is a great alternative to peanut butter, as the latter is usually high in fat, sugar, and salt. This snack will give you stamina and help you stay alert so you can study.


6.      Veggies and hummus

In moderation, hummus is full of health benefits: it’s high in protein and calcium, and it contains plenty of Omega 3 fatty acids, which are great for improving intelligence and maintaining a healthy heart. Eating it with vegetables like carrots, celery, cucumber, or red pepper will give you the nutrients from the hummus on top of natural energy that comes from the veggies.


7.      Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt can give you two times the amount of protein than regular yogurt, allowing your body to produce stamina and energy, and curbing your hunger. In addition, you’ll be getting the other natural benefits of yogurt, including calcium and probiotics. You can pair it with one of your favorite fruits, giving you more antioxidants, or with low-fat granola for an extra energy boost.


8.      Green tea

Instead of going straight for your usual coffee fix during late-night study sessions, try boiling some water for green tea instead. While coffee helps keep you awake, it also makes a lot of people shaky. Green tea contains the amino acid L-theanine, which will give you energy without the jitters.


9.      Water

Sometimes when you’re studying, you forget about the simplest yet most important step to keeping healthy—drinking water! It’s important to consume the water your body needs to improve circulation to the brain and keep it from overheating—a problem that can cause headaches and loss of focus. Keep your water bottle at your side to constantly remind you to stay hydrated!

Danyelle McInnis is a graduating senior at Tufts University, majoring in English.  She's interested in short story-writing, journalism, marketing, photography, creating websites, baking, and grilled cheese sandwiches.  She's left-handed and always has a secret stash of candy on hand in case the world suddenly runs out of sugar.  In her spare time, she writes about her ongoing transformation from pack rat to minimalist on her blog, Greyer Than Gray.