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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Trinity chapter.

Bonjour de Paris, my fellow Bants! 

While 45 degrees may sound like a treat during New England’s harsh winters, I can assure you that the temperature combined with Paris’ consistent state of freezing rain certainly makes the foreign city feel like home, in an always-cold-never-warm kind of way. While that may sound slightly miserable, there are certainly ways to combat the less-than-ideal winter weather awaiting you outside. I, for one, firmly believe that it’s possible to enjoy the cold, so long as you have the three essentials: fur, vodka, and tunes. When combined with some libations, good music has an exceptional way of loosening up your cold bones just in time for the night ahead of you. So put on the playlist and let the jams warm you up and lift your spirits (no pun intended, just kidding, obviously that pun was intended, cheers).

American Studies Major at Trinity College