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Finals Season As Told by Home Alone

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Trinity chapter.

Well, we’re offically swapping Formal Season for Finals Season and I have a feeling everyone is about as unprepared as I am (which is very.)  Here are the stages of Finals Season, as told by the one and only, Kevin McCallister.


1. When you initally realize it’s time to hunker and start studying for finals becasue this semester is over!!!! How???

2. When your roommate shames you for watching One Tree Hill instead of studying.

3. When the teacher says the test is cumulative.

4. Waking up for your review session like

5. When you just want the stu(dying) to be over so that you can go home and eat Christmas cookies

6. How it feels actually taking the tests

7. Walking out of that final like

8. Finally getting to say goodbye to that class you couldn’t stand! (or the professor…)

9. What your professor thinks while grading your test

10. When you actually see your final grades.