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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Trinity chapter.

Ladies, spring is upon us! Head outside and see if you can spot our newest cutie, Ben Preston…

Name: Ben Preston

Year: Class of 2015

Major: American Studies

Hometown: Baltimore, Maryland

Relationship Status: Single


What’s your favorite..

Part of second semester? Ratchet Thursdays

Class at Trinity? Viewing the Wire

Weekend activity? Recollecting 1526’s experiences

Professional athletic team? Baltimore Ravens

Ice cream flavor? Chocolate chip cookie dough

Pregame song? Last Ones Left- 2Pac


Do you plan on studying abroad next year?

Yes, Perth Australia


What’s your best memory at Trinity so far?

Taking a penalty shot into Jimmy’s face


If you could have an exotic animal as a pet what would it be?



Name the top three qualities you look for in the opposite sex:

Intelligence, personality, sports franchise


What would you say is your most charming quality?

My hightown fade


Do you have a go-to pick up line?

Were you there on Thursday?

Natalie studied English and Psychology at Trinity.  A Southern California native, she loves spending her time playing soccer and, when the weather permits, lounging outside with friends.