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10 Times You Wish You Were a Hogwart’s Wizard

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Trinity chapter.

1. Lumos: a spell for light

Think about every time you use your flashlight on your phone.  Imagine not having to fumble with that thing just to find a light.  This would so come in handy when you’re trying to navigate your dorm room while your roomie is sleeping.

2. Accio: brings anything instantly to you 

You’re getting ready for bed, your teeth are brushed and face is washed and you climb into your cozy bed.  Just as you’re comfortable you look over and you realize you’ve left your phone across the room.  If you were a wizard, you could just summon your phone to you. 

(accio coffee works, too.)


3. Alohomora: a spell to unlock doors

Think about every time you accidentally left your key in your room and locked yourself out.  Enough said. 

4. Felix felicis: a potion for good luck

I would throw this back so hard before every one of my tests. 

5. Dissaparation: going anywhere at anytime

Bascially teleportation.  You would literally never be late.  And you never have to worry about traffic.

6. Reducio: a shrinking charm 

No more backpacks! You could make your books and computer super small and put them in your pocket.  Getting across campus would be so simple.

7. Reparo: fixes things

When your phone drops out of your hands and the screen shatters and your heart shatters.  You could instantly fix it! Bye, Apple Care.

8. Silencio: silences things

For all the times you’ve accidentally had a snapstory go off that you were secretly watching during class.  Or if someone is especially chatty that day….

9. Wingardium leviosa: lifts heavy things

This spell is legendary and would so come in handy.  No need to carry that mini fridge up 3 flights of stairs on move in day!

10. Aguamenti: creates water

For when you’re in AD, absolutely raging and you’re feeling yourself, but your mouth is bone dry.  Those delicious natty lights are the only thing that can save you.  Imagine being able to instantly have water.  Need this.

Honorable Mention: Mauder’s Map (even though the Find My Friends App is literally the same thing)