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Get Healthy With Chelsea! Week Nine: Happy Birthday!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Towson chapter.

Hey, Ladies! So, I know you all probably (didn’t) know this, but Monday, April 23rd was my birthday. Happy birthday to me! Thank you to all the people who sent me well wishes. My special day was a blast! But looking back on how I celebrated helped me remember that it is okay to splurge every once in a while, because splurge I did.

Needless to say we had lots of choices! Doesn’t that look awesome?

My friends and I decided to celebrate by going to Sushi Hana, which is on Pennsylvania Avenue in case you’re interested. The food was so very delicious. I partook in a Maryland Roll, which is fantastic legit crab meat with avocado, and a Mock Roll, which is spicy scallops. I really never get to eat sushi, as I’m really the only one in my family who likes it, so I admit I went a tad bit crazy. My friend and I also split some octopus, and before you cringe, let me just say it was pretty darn good. Don’t you judge!


Yuuuum, octopus!

And of course, I shared my sushi choices with my friends and they shared theirs with me, meaning I ate TONS of sushi. I probably had a mini aquarium going on in my stomach. But boy if it wasn’t scrumptious.
Afterwards I decided to treat my friends to some doughnuts from Dunkin’ as a cake replacement since they were so sweet to go out and celebrate with me. We picked out a dozen to bring back to the dorm to share, and once my friend mentioned it was my birthday, the kind gentleman gave me a smile and slipped two more glazed doughnuts my way. Hey, sure, why not? It’s my birthday!

Happy birthday to me, indeed 

But this leads me to my point. One night of splurging is not the end of the world. Did I feel a little guilty eating so much? Maybe a little. But I was having so much fun, and didn’t eat to the point where I felt I would explode. Granted the food I was eating probably wasn’t the healthiest, but we can’t ALWAYS be on our best behavior.
So if you ever have a celebration, or even a particularly bad day, don’t feel bad for splurging a little. It’s natural, and as long as it doesn’t turn into a binge fest, you have no reason to feel guilty. Live your life, girls, and enjoy the simple things!
And if you do feel bad about the skipping the gym or whatnot, next Wednesday, May 2, we will be having our first Her Campus Zumba Night! Check it out the Zumba Party on Facebook. I got some special Zumba gear for my birthday, so I’m so excited to be leading you guys! Can’t wait to see you there! Maybe you can score a photo with me and I’ll include it in next week’s blog!
In the meantime, keep drinking water and enjoy your meals!