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Campus Celebrity: Tori Markham

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Towson chapter.

Tori Markham, electronic media and film major, lives and works as a filmmaker in the Baltimore area. Her favorite movie is ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,’ her favorite director is Richard Linklater (‘Boyhood,’ ‘School of Rock’) and her favorite film genre is psychological thrillers. Here’s what she had to say about her passion for and work in film.


Photo credit: Amanda Ferrarese.

What do you do?

“I’m currently a film major at Towson. I live in Baltimore, so most of the stuff I’ve shot has been in the city. It has more character and is generally more interesting than Towson is to me. Production assignments take up the majority of the time I have for filmmaking, so I would say my schoolwork is mostly what I do. But, in addition to that, I’ve been working on a documentary for University of Maryland School of Integrative Health since September. And, I do some freelance work from time to time.”


What sparked your interest in filmmaking?

“Photography was definitely my first love. I think it was the effortless ability to tell a story or capture a moment or create a memory and then be able to share it with other people that really struck me. In high school, when I first started taking pictures, I would spend so much of my after school time in the darkroom. It was such a satisfying feeling having a print come out how I envisioned it. I also have always really loved writing. I used to read and write poetry when I was younger. It was another great form of release and expression for me. Over the years I’ve continued taking pictures and writing poetry, flash fiction, and short stories. And, I used to try and come up with ways that I could combine these two passions into one cohesive voice. I had always really loved films, but had never considered that line of work, and I’m slightly embarrassed to admit this but I think it’s important to note, that it just seemed totally unreasonable because in my head that was more of a guy’s field. I think that pivotal moment for me was working on a 72 Hour Film Fest project with a group of really talented women and feeling it all come together. It was obvious after that.”


How can someone else get involved in filmmaking on campus or in Baltimore?

“If you want to make a film, just start writing, planning, shooting. If you don’t have a camera, ask around until you find a friend who does. Enter into a film festival, stay up for three days straight making a movie you’re going to find countless mistakes in, and learn a ton. There’s no better way to learn how to do this stuff than actually doing stuff. There’s a bunch of film groups in the area that allow you to reach out to other people interested in filmmaking, like LKT on Towson’s campus, the Johns Hopkins Film Society which has screenings and events throughout the city, and Maryland Film Fest which is fantastic and in Baltimore every year.”


What tips do you have for people who want to become filmmakers?

“Watch as many movies as you can. Take note of what you like, notice patterns that emerge, and go towards that. If you have an idea, do it because it will probably vanish into the abyss of your forgotten ideas. Keep a journal you don’t mind carrying with you and write everything down. Don’t get bogged down by the idea of “making it.” Just be genuine in what you’re doing and work hard.”


How has filmmaking formed connections for you academically and personally?

“My work in filmmaking has put me in contact with so many amazing, talented people. I learn so much working with different people and coming to understand their different experiences and interpretations of things. It seems like the more people you meet, the more that doors will open for you. Both formal and informal teachers have given me so much support and guidance throughout my education and career. Relationships definitely extend far beyond any given assignment. For example, I’m in a productions class this semester and had a sound question that I was able to ask my audio professor from last semester about. That was really awesome. I feel very blessed to have chosen a field where I love my work so much that I don’t mind when coworkers and teachers bleed into friends and people I spend Friday and Saturday night with.”


Where do you see yourself in five years?

“I never know what to say when someone asks me this question. I see myself happy, making films, still stressed out but probably less because there will be lots of trees and a garden in my yard.”

Katie is a senior, and mass communications major on the advertising track with a minor in electronic media and film. Katie loves movies, especially Clue, but the full list is much longer! Her hobbies include writing, watching hilarious YouTube videos, listening to old '80s hits on repeat, and learning all about the hot new memes.