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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Toronto MU chapter.

My time at university has finally ended after four long years, and I honestly can’t understand how time went by so quickly. Years went by in an instant, and I can recall as if it was yesterday how it was to be a lost seventeen-year-old with a reason to explore the world after getting her university acceptance letter.

I remember the anxiety of moving to a new city, knowing there were so many unknown lessons and experiences to uncover. I can reminisce about the first time I met my roommates and what the first week was like living with them. Four years really did go by in a blink of an eye, and I only have love to describe it. 

There were so many lessons learned, and I could write all about them on how I once was a teenager transitioning to an adult, but somehow writing this is really hard. I can’t seem to figure out how to wrap this into a neat, readable feature with the correct words.

But here’s what I do know…

I remember absolutely hating my high school experience so much that I had the lowest expectations coming to university. I didn’t understand how this would be the new and fresh start I needed and could ever ask for. If I could advise my younger self, I would tell her that all those worries are just stressing me out momentarily and that it all (cheesy enough) does work out in the end.

University impacted my life for the better, and I’m so lucky and happy I was able to go down this road. I appreciate everything that has happened in my life these past four years, including the people I don’t speak to anymore, my roommates who became my besties (even if their alarm clocks woke me up in the morning), the sketchy Toronto transit, the campus and the never-ending cold weather. I’ve discovered that the people I surround myself with are a reflection of who I am as a person, and I’ve appreciated the lessons I learned (even if they were hard ones).

I’ve also spent four years here at Her Campus, so to be able to document my writing and make friends here has been so lovely. From being a writer to seeing how my management skills blossomed, I can take pride in knowing that I’ve grown even in my skills. 

I can’t wait to see what the future will bring, so please keep in touch. This definitely will not be the end of my writing journey! 

I hate goodbyes, so talk soon!

With love.

Hi everyone! I'm Ayleen and I’m a fourth-year journalism student from Lahore, Pakistan. I currently live in the big city of Toronto, Canada and I can't wait to share all my thoughts, and experiences with you! A few things about me... I love food, animals, and horror movies. Sounds like a killer combo am I right? Check out my writings in my profile or follow me on all my socials to see more from me!